Have we been properly prepared to enter the temple, or is there more to consider?
What do we find in the temple when we go? Sis. Burton said we can feel “a peaceful loving spirit … inspiration, revelation, and power to cope with adversities of life.” Do we thoroughly understand this? When we leave the temple, do we know that we have received a boost that will help us deal with the pain and hardship of this earth life?
I’ve been hearing little voices that seem to be complaining about how this particular meeting was presented. Women wondered why painful situations weren’t portrayed and talked about. Why wasn’t pain addressed? How are we supposed to cope when pain is never discussed?
I believe Sis. Burton addressed their complaints directly. The temple is where we receive peace and power. We go to the temple to find a reprieve from daily life. Then we leave with power to continue the weary battle. We have never been told our pain will go away, but we have been told over and over again that we can be carried and blessed with strength to endure. It doesn’t help anyone to wallow, or hear others wallow. Instead, we must find hope and uplifting words that will help us pick ourselves up and fight on.
Her reference of the ten virgins (Matt. 25: 1-13) is a powerful warning for us to pick ourselves up and consistently work toward being prepared. What if five of those virgins were not “prepared in a manner” that they hadn’t counted on; that they did not know? As our efforts collect drop by drop, we must accept that this takes time and consistent effort on our part. Those virgins who slacked off were judged by Jesus Christ himself and condemned to wait outside staying separate from those who were rewarded for seeking Christ to overcome their struggle and their pain.
The question may be asked, How do we fill our lamps? But we know the answer to this question already. It is following the basics of the gospel. There is nothing knew for us to get all “jazzed about.” It simply takes our “consistent correct choices”, as Elder Richard G. Scott put it, repeated in a steady constant dependable way.
At one time Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson shared with Sister Burton a statement that offers us a great moral outlook. “Where much is required much more will be given.” To those sisters who insist on feeling sorry for their situation, and for those who are truly in a terrible place, know that our Heavenly Father loves you. We have come down on this earth to be tested and it is required for us to pass many tests to prove ourselves worthy. But we were never meant to do it alone. While finding our way back to our spiritual home we have only to reach toward Jesus Christ. He is our power and our strength and we will be able to overcome everything with His help. Because we know and have accepted truth in our lives, at the time of baptism, we are expected to live a higher standard of obedience. We can do it. We can call upon the Savior at any time. He is waiting. Don’t waste the atoning gift that has already been given to us.
Remember Nephi’s words who reminded us that “the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them” (1 Ne 3:7). Come unto the Savior who said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; … for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:29-30) Organize your life so that you can fully prepare to receive “every needful thing” and make your homes a place of prayer, fasting, faith, learning, and glory” (D&C 109:8).
If you didn’t feel rejuvenated in hearing Sis. Burton’s talk, please read it again. Remember, the oil of spiritual preparedness cannot be shared. Using President Spencer W. Kimball’s list will help us gather that oil drop by drop, action by action.
Follow the suggestions offered by Spencer W. Kimball to prepare properly “in the Lord’s way” and experiment to see if you don’t receive the blessings she listed so beautifully and invitingly for us. We have the power in us, through Jesus Christ, to arise from the dust of the earth and live joyful as President Uchtdorf encouraged us to do.
Wasn’t that just the BEST meeting. I felt the Spirit so strongly and was encouraged and filled with hope that if I follow the instruction given I can make it through this life and back to my Father in Heaven. The children’s choir from Korea just melted me into tears as I have a special place in my heart for Korea because my daughter is living there serving in the Air Force. What a rich feast we were given. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Yes, it was a wonderful meeting and that’s exactly what that meeting did. It spiritually fed those who were waiting and open, so we can continue along the broken trail. Thanks Rozy!
This was good for me to read.I’m looking for Sr. Burton’s original talk. I thought something I was going through was dire. It was a shock at first, family dynamics, but now, months have past, and I’m getting past it. I prefer not to spend my hours and energy on something I have no power to change or repair. I leave it with the person who did the damage and gossip. They can have it. I don’t want the drama. I want peace. I want to be involved with the people who love me.