Benson: “Over one-half of all the verses in the Book of Mormon refer to our Lord. He is given over one hundred different names in the Book of Mormon. Those names have a particular significance in describing His divine nature.”
These are the questions that come to my mind as I contemplate my Savior, Jesus Christ:
- What would life be like without Jesus Christ?
- What do His many names teach us about who He is and what He did for us?
- What am I willing to do to learn all I can about Jesus Christ as I reach for eternity?
Neal A. Maxwell said, “Since feasting on the word of God has a ‘more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than … anything else’ (Alma 31:5), the more of the word of God we have and act upon, the more we will press forward. Much spiritual energy is necessary for the marathon of discipleship.”
Reading straight from the scriptures, as Alma 31:5 suggests, can change hearts and teach understanding better than anything else.
I testify that you will feel the spirit stronger, and gain a testimony faster, by reading the following scripture references. As Pres. Benson

said, over one-half of the Book of Mormon speaks of Jesus Christ, so make it a lifetime pursuit.
This is just a short list. Searching through the footnotes, and the Topical Guide, will offer up many, many more scriptures that will build upon, and explain, one another. And there are countless conference talks to ponder. Again, let the spirit teach you.
It could make for a meaningful Family Home Evening to ask members of the family to come up with a list of all of the names of Jesus Christ. Another activity might be to discuss what it would be like, and where we would all be, if Jesus Christ had never volunteered to carry out the plan of salvation.
You will find all of the answers in the scriptures. Aren’t we grateful to have Jesus Christ as our Savior? And aren’t we grateful to know about Him because of scripture, which is the word of God, which is Jesus Christ.
Benson: “With all my soul, I love Him. I humbly testify that He is the same loving, compassionate Lord today as when He walked the dusty roads of Palestine. He is close to his servants on this earth. He cares about and loves each of us today. Of that you can be assured. He lives today as our Lord, our Master, our Savior, our Redeemer, and our God.”
I add my own testimony of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I am so grateful He volunteered to be my Savior. Because of Him I can make the choice to be obedient and return back to my Heavenly Father. The plan of salvation is glorious and I am grateful for the Atonement that cleanses me, and for the covenants I have made, which will seal joy and happiness to my family and me for eternity.