Women in the scriptures are part of our history. Eliza recorded Joseph Smith as teaching,
“According to authentic testimony, an organization, of which the present Female Relief Society is a fac-simile, has always existed when the Church of Jesus Christ has been fully organized.”[1]
That tells me that the Plan of our Father in Heaven always included the women. In fact, Eve’s role in bringing to pass the Fall was next in importance to the Savior’s Atonement in bringing to pass salvation to the children of God. J. Reuben Clark said,
“This is wife’s and mother’s task and opportunity and did she fail so that new body-forms came or that none came, then the Great Plan would fail and God’s purpose would come to naught. … Then we shall believe the Father will say to the mothers: Well done, thou good and faithful handmaids, enter thou into the rest I have prepared for those who builded [sp] the mortal temples in which dwelt the spirits I created. … And then the Priesthood will wish to proclaim their debt to these their helpmeets without whom the Priesthood could not have worked out their destiny.”[2]
I think of the great tests so many Old Testament sisters had to endure when they discovered their barrenness. I also think of their great faith and power in prayer. These women had failings like all of us do, but they were spiritual, strong, smart, good, and beautiful; righteous examples for us today.
The New Testament was another episode in history that lets us see spiritual, strong, smart, good, and beautiful women. The women mentioned played pivotal roles during that time period.
Of course, this time period also includes the Book of Mormon, and even though we don’t see many women examples, we can still sense their great faithfulness and love for the Savior. For example, the Lamanite Queen, who said, “I have had no witness save thy word, and the word of our servants; nevertheless I believe.”[3] And Ammon said that he had never seen such great faith among even the Nephites. That is a remarkable testimony.
Of course, our own dispensation heralds some great history of spiritual, strong, smart, good, and beautiful women who showed us how to have faith through difficult times.
Our purpose is to build the Kingdom of God. We do this by saving one soul at a time, starting with our families. Then we reach out to all those around us, and ultimately across the globe as we become one huge family waiting for the Savior of this world to return and reign as King over the entire earth.
It’s a simple purpose with many facets. We are meant to help one another achieve eternal life. The Lord knows we are individuals with various talents, gifts, and opportunities. In the scriptures, we are instructed specifically to use these abilities within us to bless the lives of one another. And it is through service that we can do our best work. Women love to gather together. We are good at compassionate service, which makes me think of Visiting Teaching or Ministering. As the only organized religion with a program that watches over one another, we have the great blessing to use our innate gifts to love one another in a very personal way.
When the early members of Relief Society came to this valley, the Lord entrusted them to use their talents to make astounding progress the world had never seen before. The priesthood power they wielded allowed them to stretch and grow and discover to their heart’s desire. The Lord set in motion his purposes, and the women were a necessary aspect of His plan. I think it fascinating that because Mormon women lived the law of polygamy, they were pushed away by worldly women. No one wanted to align themselves with the strange western religionists. Only the radical women accepted them, as our sisters fought for the right to vote. As open and friendly as these women became toward one another, our sisters still kept their identity as Mormon Women, loyal to their religion, to their priesthood, and to their God.
In our day, we have sisters who casually go to Relief Society but do not see themselves as the powerful Relief Society we are. Many do not feel a part of Relief Society. Others feel more comfortable serving in the other auxiliaries. Boyd K. Packer once addressed the Relief Society, in General Conference, and spoke these words:
“Sisters, it is your duty to attend Relief Society, just as it is the duty of the brethren to attend their priesthood meetings. … I’ve heard some sisters say, “I don’t attend Relief Society because I just don’t get anything out of it. … Tell me, dear sister, what is it that you are putting into it?”[4]
Yes, our Relief Society is holy. It is an integral part of our Church. The priesthood would not be able to fulfill its destiny without our organization, and our help. Valiant men and women have been ordained, from beyond this world, to fulfill a magnificent work among the children of men. As men, women, and children work toward obeying the commandments of God, the Relief Society and the Priesthood will be standing at the ready to welcome those who seek refuge.
“Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.
“And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.”[5]
[1] Eliza R. Snow. “The Female Relief Society.” Woman’s Exponent. Jun 1, 1872.
[2] J. Reuben Clark, Jr. “Our Wives and Our Mothers in the Eternal Plan.” General RS Conference. Oct 3, 1946.
[3] Alma 19:9-10.
[4] Boyd K. Packer. “The Relief Society.” Ensign. Nov 1978. Read this talk, about Pres. Belle Spafford, and an important lesson she learned about Relief Society.
[5] Isaiah 49:22-23.