Sis. Esplin spoke on the importance of being filled with light and truth. This comes from desiring what God wants of us, looking to Him for our power and strength then acting accordingly. As mothers, we have the responsibility of filling our homes and children with light and truth. We are the teachers, the caretakers, the ones who love and nurture so beautifully in our homes. Sister Esplin said, “The answers to our prayers may not come dramatically, but we must find quiet moments to seek greater light and truth. And when we receive it, it is our responsibility to live it, to share it, and to defend it.” As mothers, we have power, the power to succeed.
Sis. Stephens said, “Earthly families all look different. And while we do the best we can to create strong traditional families, membership in the family of God is not contingent upon any kind of status—marital status, parental status, financial status, social status, or even the kind of status we post on social media. …” We all belong, no matter what our status is. Every woman can expand her sphere of influence. Influence is our power to strengthen our families, bring them together, and stand for truth, courage, and kindness.
Sis. Oscarson said, “One of the hardest things in this life is to have patience in the Lord’s timing.” I find this statement to be true, but typically, I find that I must be the one to adjust my expectations. Ultimately, we are here to discover the will of the Lord and conform our will to His will.
Her talk was one of boldness in stating that The Proclamation to the Family is the Lord’s voice in stating the importance of family. She listed three principles for us to stand in defense:
- Marriage only between a man and a woman. In our own marriages, we need to model what a righteous marriage looks like.
- Elevate the roles of divine mothers and fathers. We have the responsibility to teach our children to hold to the high standards of family leadership and oneship.
- The sanctity of the home is what we must fight for and live for. The term “homemaker” should stand for everyone who desires to make their home a righteous dwelling.
We must be brave, steadfast, immoveable warriors in defense of the family and our homes. She gave us a challenge to boldly stand and defend the family. We have the power to do just that.
Pres. Eyring focused on an attribute of Christ we should all carefully adopt, to have Infinite Compassion toward one another. We can and must be a comfort to those who are in need. But here’s the thing… we’re all needy. Therefore, we must be compassionate to everyone.
His message was poignant for all of us, for we all carry heavy burdens, whether placed on us because of circumstance, or whether we place them on ourselves. The Lord has already taken our burdens, but we must give them again to Him. The Holy Ghost is waiting to offer us comfort and relief. As sisters, we must share compassion with one another, not judgment. Too many of us are suffering from depression, hurt feelings, heavy sorrow, and overwhelming emotions. We must remember that Heavenly Father has given us the gift of the Holy Ghost to comfort us, ease our burden, lift us, and strengthen us. For “Joy always comes after Sorrow.”
Charity never faileth. Charity is the pure love of Christ. His love never fails.
By remembering what they said and taking their words into our hearts, we can influence those around us for good. By studying the gospel, we will be prepared to share light and truth. Then it is our responsibility to share this with our children, friends, and neighbors. By recognizing that everyone has a place in Heavenly Father’s heart, we can reach out and care for one another with love, respect, and compassion. Even while showing kindness, we can be firm in our resolve, bold in our claim, and moral in our lifestyle. We are representatives of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and carry His name in our hearts. Finally, we must seek after the Comforter to be comforted and to offer comfort to others. We are all in this together. We are all, every one of us, made for Joy.
Wasn’t it a wonderful meeting? I so enjoyed the spiritual feast. I’m so grateful for the miracles of modern technology so that we who live far from SLC can see the meeting in real time and feel the spirit just as strong. Thanks for sharing your summaries and thoughts.