Realizing this is a rather bold, and perhaps unfair, statement; I honestly feel there are too many lessons given that somehow sidestep the heart of a subject. I sat in a lesson, one particular time, where the teacher simply read the lesson to us word for word. She stopped, looked at us, and invited the class to interrupt her if they had a comment, then proceeded to read never looking up again. I actually had a comment near the end of class and she never noticed. I started waving my hand to draw her attention and no one else in the room even noticed. I think they were all asleep. I guess I could have said something, but I didn’t want to interrupt the lulling pacifism she had so carefully cultivated in the classroom.
So, bear with me as I “think outside the box” and offer some ideas that may inspire your sisters to go home and try something new, share with their children, and find newfound joy in the gospel. Whatever you do, DO NOT try more than two of these ideas in one lesson. One thing sisters are very good at doing is having pages and pages of notes to share in 30-35 minutes. Too much information to share is the kiss of death to any lesson.
*Instead, invite sisters to continue their study at home offering places to find information. A Relief Society presidency also has the power to call together an additional meeting where sisters can continue sharing their thoughts, feelings, and newfound knowledge and testimonies.
- This lesson is on Joseph Smith, the opening of the last and
greatest dispensation of all time, and The Restoration of Jesus Christ’s kingdom upon the earth. It is important for each one of us to understand the importance of the time we live in and what our responsibilities are.
- Has anyone been converted and baptized? Ask them to share how they received their testimony of Joseph Smith and The Book of Mormon.
- Benson: “If the Book of Mormon is true, then Jesus is the Christ Joseph Smith was His prophet, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and it is being led today by a prophet receiving revelation” (108).
- How are we building the kingdom of God; standing up for our prophets, past and present; and raising our families to defend their faith?
- Instead of “giving” a lesson, allow the entire lesson time to be opened up to the sisters testifying of Joseph Smith, The Book of Mormon, The Church, and Jesus Christ. Start it off by sharing your own.
- Does everyone in the room know and understand what happened in The First Vision. Review all that Joseph learned, saw, and felt applying it to what we must all learn, see, and feel as we gain and nurture our own testimonies. Draw from Joseph Smith—History and Preach My Gospel.
- Discuss the blessings that have come to the world because of The Restoration. How does it affect people who don’t even know about it? Benson: “This restoration of the gospel, the bringing back of light and truth, is intended for the benefit and blessing of all God’s children” (109).
- How does one react when persecuted for one’s faith? We all have been, or will be, called upon to stand for truth and righteousness. What are we prepared to do and say at that given moment? Benson quotes Joseph Smith as saying: “This is the loveliest place and the best people under the heavens; little do they know the trials that await them” (110).
What have been the prophecies in the scriptures about The Restoration?
- Offer a list of conference talks on Joseph Smith that have been given recently for sisters to search and discuss with their families.
Joseph Smith–Prophet of the Restoration
The Prophet Joseph Smith–Teacher By Example
Joseph Smith–The Mighty Prophet of the Restoration
Joseph Smith was most definitely one of the greatest who has ever lived. At the age of fourteen, he began his destiny and never wavered. He held on to truth even when it was too hard to bear, finally giving up his very life. None of us have been asked to do WHAT he did, yet all of us are asked to do AS he did. I testify, as Joseph did, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. I believe each one of us volunteered to come to the earth at this time to stand with this prophet, and all of the prophets, to defend truth, to set the example of righteousness, and to do the will of the Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.