In the lesson, one member, taking seriously the challenge to read the Book of Mormon said, “While the bible helped me know about what Jesus did for people in the Holy Land, the Book of Mormon gave me a deeper understanding of what He has done for me” (139). I believe this too. And I believe this is what we need to share with people when we offer them some answers as we all wade through the difficulties of our lives.
There are some really sweet stories in this lesson. They inspired me to look at the Book of Mormon as a lifeline; a way to channel my way toward a better life, overcoming the trials that confront me; and teaching me what the atonement can really do to lift me out of the world.
I have read the Book of Mormon many times. I can say, truthfully, that each time I’ve read it more light and knowledge has come to me. Every General Conference, our leaders offer us guidance and direction for the present day we live in, but you’ll notice they often go to the Book of Mormon for the true messages we need to hear.
Only by knowing the teachings in the Book of Mormon will you be able to spot false doctrine. I was listening to someone speak, who said she was an active Mormon, but as I listened to her words, the spirit started giving me a funny feeling. I listened carefully to what she was saying and was shocked and saddened that what she was saying just wasn’t true. I was able to turn to my scriptures and find truth, which did not match what she was saying.
That is just one example I have experienced where I actually knew where to turn to. That really doesn’t happen very often, but it felt so good when it did happen, and that it could happen, to me. We need to be able to understand the source well enough to prevent ourselves from being swept up in the moment and following down a dangerous path.
There are billions of people on this earth who are miserable, because they know not where to find truth. With the knowledge we have been given, what are we doing about it? Are we happy? Do we recognize the power we have to feel the Spirit just by opening the inspired words of our Savior and His prophets? Do we show our appreciation by living by these words that literally can bring us salvation? And what of sharing this knowledge with others who may be seeking?
We have been promised time and time again that if we lift our voice to our neighbor, and allow the Spirit to work through us, we will have more and more experiences of blessing the lives of others that will make our hearts burst with joy.
I offer some challenges you may want to try:
- Teach children/youth from the Book of Mormon then send a letter to President Monson thanking him for his inspired leadership and call to live a better life.
- Read the Book of Mormon again this year. You might want to take an Institute class, or follow a commentary, to understand at a deeper level.
- Begin carrying Pass-along cards and/or copies of the Book of Mormon everywhere you go and be ready to share it when the Spirit asks you.
- Memorize verses, or locations of verses, so you are ready to back up a feeling at any given time.