Former Relief Society General President, Julie B. Beck, spoke at the 2016 Church History Symposium about the Daughters in My Kingdom book. She confirmed, “The Lord’s hand was in the making of this book.
From the very beginning, the Spirit directed the work of bringing at the forefront the need to understand the history of Relief Society, in order to understand our responsibility for the future, as sisters in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Pres. Hinckley, and the other Brethren, felt an urgency to help the sisters become more committed to Coming Unto Christ. Creating this book, and talking about the history of our organization, was the path they should follow.
Within the history of Relief Society is the purpose for which we women are meant to help in the hastening of the work of building the kingdom of God. We are all needed in this kingdom and we must all roll up our sleeves. The purposes of Relief Society are first to help the poor, then to save souls. Finally, it is half of the vital work of the church to bring men and women together to build the kingdom of God and prepare for the coming of the Lord.
There are too many women still caught up in the world or bent on being divisive when we should be putting our efforts on being united with the brethren and working hand in hand to bring forth the purposes of the Lord.
This book, Daughters in My Kingdom, is a major step in uniting sisters and helping them understand that they are part of a great organization that needs their talents, skills, and spirit.
Because this book was inspired, it has a power all its own. After reading it, you will feel empowered to work in the kingdom and use the privileges that you have been blessed with, either as a Relief Society unit or as an individual.
Sister Beck quoted President Spencer W. Kimball, who said, “There is a power in this organization that has not yet been fully exercised to strengthen the homes of Zion and build the Kingdom of God—nor will it until both the sisters and the priesthood catch the vision of Relief Society.” (Spencer W. Kimball, “Relief Society—Its Promise and Potential,” Ensign, Mar. 1976, 4.)
If Pres. Kimball really was a prophet of God, and our Relief Society is really God’s organization for women, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, then this statement must be at the forefront of everything we do in our ward Relief Societies.
Women and men have been asked to learn to work together, to use one another in more holy ways, to rely on one another’s talents and inspirations. Women need to break out of their self-imposed restrictions and use their voice to utter the righteous and profound feelings of their faithful hearts.
Sis. Beck declared that Latter-day Saint women are to lead the world. They are called by the prophet of God to be the greatest and the best. Relief Society is an ancient organization. Seeking to find your duty, you will be given the power to fulfill that duty. You will be given authority and power to complete those duties. There is a great need of sisters rallying by the brethren. Sisters need to become sister scriptorians and spiritually self-reliant. Sisters can be strengthened and endowed with wisdom beyond their own. Blessings will shower upon their heads and those of their loved ones. She testified that the early sisters spoke to God, and God spoke to them. He will do the same for us if we do the same with Him.
Her talk was a powerful declaration urging us to step up to the mark and do our part in hastening the work of the Lord.
Read the Book. Feel its power. Then get to work.
I recently began to re-read this book and am once again amazed at the spirit and power it carries. We can thank God for prophets (including Sister Beck) who obediently respond to promptings that benefit all of us.