N. Eldon Tanner’s talk, “No Greater Honor: The Woman’s Role”
Still a challenge for us today. Women continue to beat themselves up and look for worldly solutions to their “pain” and “happiness.” His words ring with truth!
“Can you imagine the kind of world we will have in the future if the girls of today are weakened morally to the extent that virtue will not be taught in their homes, and if their children, if any, are not nurtured within the walls of homes sanctified by the holy laws of matrimony?
“Marriage is ordained of God, and we must do everything we can to strengthen the ties that
bind, to strengthen our homes, and to prepare ourselves by exemplary living to teach our children the ways of God, which is the only way for them to find happiness here and eternal life hereafter. To mothers, daughters, and women everywhere, let me stress the fact that because of your great potential and influence for good in the lives of all of us, Satan is determined to destroy you. You cannot compromise with him. You must have the courage, the strength, the desire, and the determination to live as the Lord would have you live.”
Marvin J. Ashton’s talk, “He Took Him by the Hand”
Beautiful as it described Jesus’ act of lifting others through our prayer, faith, fasting, and action.
“‘… Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose.’ (Mark 9:27.) How beautiful in the eyes of the Lord are the spiritually well, those who have been taken by the hand and lifted up and made spiritually whole. … Peace of mind only comes to us when we are spiritually healed.”
It occurs to me that what we see today are people who want to be healed, but they want it on their terms, not the Lord’s. What would it be like if our world desired true spiritual wellness from the one and only true source, and those able to offer it (both male and female) used their power of prayer, faith, and fasting to bless those beloved lives around them?
Hartman Rector, Jr.’s talk, “You Shall Receive the Spirit”
“Being led by the Spirit is vitally important because this is the Lord’s church and he runs it. Those who are called to serve must let the Lord run his church. They must be led by his Spirit because man’s thoughts are not God’s thoughts and man’s ways are not God’s ways.”
He explains the difference between ordinary prayer and a “prayer of faith.” He says it’s all in the amount of faith one has, or in other words, “a strong belief plus action.” Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is our power to choose, to make things happen, and to humbly obey His will.
Victor L. Brown’s talk, “Our Youth: Modern Sons of Helaman”
Same problems we deal with today (they’ve been around for a very long time!).
“… a war between good and evil, between freedom and slavery, between the Savior and Satan. Satan’s legions are many. In their battle to enslave mankind, they use weapons such as selfishness; dishonesty; corruption; sexual impurity, be it adultery, fornication, or homosexuality; pornography; permissiveness; drugs; and many others. I believe Satan’s ultimate goal is to destroy the family, because if he would destroy the family, he will not just have won the battle; he will have won the war.”
Many of us were youths at the time this talk was given, and we continue to struggle with the choices of our day. The war is still being fought, choices still have to be made, but we must hold on to the truth that we know.
Mark E. Petersen’s talk, “What Will a Man Give?”
This talk summed up the entire session. What is a man or woman willing to give up to–instead–truly do the will of the Lord?
“Who in his right mind would prefer the corruptions of the flesh, the sensual pleasures, and the false excitement of sin, rather than the opportunity of becoming like God; rather than having inspired intelligence, or of some day wielding some of the powers that God uses as he walks in his majesty? … Whether we realize it or not, we answer that question every day of our lives by what we think and say and do. Our actions demonstrate whether we are working toward becoming like God or the world … To become Christlike we must do the works of Christ. … Mere membership in the church will not save us.”
It’s been forty-three years and we are still choosing sides. There is more evil in the world. There is also more truth in the world. Mortals stand in the middle still fumbling with the same choices over and over again. The scriptures have the answers. Our faith allows us to act in the best way. If only we could hold fast to the spirit, which reminds us, inspires us, and is really the only way we can decipher what we know—that indeed, truth is eternal. And someday we will be able to rest because we will have chosen wisely.
More General Conference Odyssey posts:
Surprising Resonances Nathaniel Givens
Freedom From a Troubled Soul G
Co-partners with God Daniel Ortner
Without actual knowledge Marilyn Nielsen