I look forward to each Priesthood session of conference with its profound advice and counsel given to the members of the church. Yes, I said members–both male and female. Even though this is a priesthood meeting, there is counsel for wives, mothers, and women too.
Leadership Skills
Just one year before this conference, the new YM/YW program was installed. It is basically the same program we have today where adults work alongside the youth as advisors. The purpose of having advisors is to train and give opportunities to the youth to lead, organize, teach, and grow into our future leaders.
I was asked to organize our New Beginnings program when I was a Laurel. My leader sat me down and formally called me to organize the program. I felt the responsibility of it immediately, and it was scary. As I sat there, taking it all in, she said something I will always remember: “I can already see the wheels spinning in your head. You are going to do a great job.” In those few words, I felt her confidence in me.
As I began preparing and organizing, the YW leaders were supportive and helpful without being interfering. It was a great experience. I not only learned how to pull a special meeting together, but I also saw how to be a leader who calls, advises, supports, but doesn’t take over. These were all leadership skills I have used all my life at home as well as at church.
Another subject that was mentioned in these talks was delegation. Pres. Kimball reminded the men to read the Handbook more often. We often get caught up with all the preparation of our calling, we forget to go to the Handbook for answers and direction. Not only is the Handbook filled with each calling’s instruction and responsibility, but it is also filled with a spirit of leadership, love, and power.
Jesus Christ has delegated His gospel to us. He trusts us to do our best, even when we fail. We often contrast the difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. Both are important, but we understand that the spirit often overrides the letter because this gospel is really about love.
While serving as a Primary counselor, I was in charge of an activity day. I felt strongly that the spirit wanted me to involve people who don’t always get asked to participate. At my suggestion of one sister, the president hesitated and warned me she might not follow through, but I felt that this sister was worth the risk. This sister not only was thrilled to be asked, but she also went the extra mile. She later became more active in church, serving in several leadership callings.
I have learned to go back and read the Handbook often, but I have also learned that personal revelation can override what even the Handbook may briefly state. Being set apart for a calling endows me with power to act according to the needs of those I serve and that includes delegating my power to others who are learning to grow and develop spiritually. It’s a humbling thing to see this gospel work in the lives of people who feel the spirit of their callings and responsibilities that I, as a female leader in the church, have offered them.
All leadership callings are given to serve others and it takes a strong leader to bring unity to a group that serves meaningfully.
From my own experience, I have seen service used as competition, which has baffled me. In one ward I lived in, crafts were so popular it overpowered a simple service project that was relegated to a back corner and ignored. Another unfortunate experience is being turned down when I have volunteered to help. I have seen pride rob an act of service.
On a more positive note, we are a service-oriented church and I have had wonderful experiences where others have rallied around to spend hours, muscle, and love in order to give service.
Ultimately, all of us will be held accountable for the choices we have made while living on this earth. Here is a list of those things mentioned during this session of conference.
Honor the priesthood
Govern yourselves
Help shape the lives of children and youth
Fulfill stewardship and responsibilities
Teach correct principles
Put family first
Be an example for good
Magnify callings
Be clean, chaste, and temple worthy
Repent and worship God
And finally, N. Eldon Tanner reminded the men that “this is a royal army, the greatest brotherhood and the greatest power in all the world.” I take every opportunity I can to speak about the great power women have because they are partakers of the priesthood. Women, we need to believe that we have power to perform great miracles and that the Lord needs us to build an army of righteous women.
Additional General Conference Odyssey posts:
Boys Need Men Marilyn Nielson
We Too Are Fathers Nathaniel Givens
A Commandment Like Any Other Daniel Ortner