This is a General Conference Odyssey post.
The abilities of a superhero rambled through my thoughts as I read this week’s session: Sunday morning of October 1974 General Conference. What makes a great example and just how important is having a high standard of living.
Great Examples
Do we have any idea what superheroes believe in? I guess Justice would be at the forefront, and I think they make up their own rules as to the administering and maintaining of that justice. I’m not sure that’s the example we are seeking to emulate, however.
S. Dilworth Young spoke of some of the great examples from our scriptures; those who never fell away in disbelief. He mentioned the prophet Samuel in the Old Testament and Joseph Smith, the prophet of the Restoration. My thoughts wandered to some of the great female examples we have in the scriptures and I was happy that Elder Young mentioned some as well. He said,
“When the meridian of time came, the promises made by the prophets were fulfilled and miraculous events took place. The angels came, and suddenly Mary was told that she was to be the mother of the Son of God, and Elisabeth was told of her own part in this great and sublime event.”
If superheroes are the best this world can offer, well, I just can’t be all that impressed. And sports heroes and movie stars fell from grace a long time ago. Maybe it’s easy to make a hero out of someone who lived long ago–so we can’t see the mistakes they must have made–but maybe their exemplary faith is what is timeless and beneficial to all of us.
What we need now–more than ever before–is to look at the examples of those in our scriptures. Their faith was recorded for our benefit to look to as an example. We certainly need something to help us hold to high standards, which is my second thought.
Living a High Standard
As popular as superheroes are today, none of them are the examples we should be following in our personal lives. High standards of conduct are perhaps surreal for some people to follow, but not for those who know that Jesus Christ is really the only example to follow. He was the one who conducted himself perfectly in every instance and it is our challenge to strive for that perfection, even though we may fail most of the time. In talking about living the church’s high standards, Boyd K. Packer said during this session of conference,
…we hold to high standards of conduct. The principles of the gospel are anchored and secure. Some of the programs and methods change from time to time, but there is no altering of the standards. There is a great sense of security and of protection in this. We continually strive to share the gospel with others, but we cannot dilute it to suit their taste. We did not set the standards; the Lord did. It is his church.
What if we were all to become the Lord’s superheroes? What if we were all to demonstrate the desire to please the Lord first? What if we were all to live the gospel in accordance with the Lord’s will? Wouldn’t that make us true superheroes? I have no illusions that anyone is perfect because no one is. But we, as mere mortals, might actually succeed at being truly super at being honorable and exemplary.
Other General Conference Odyssey posts:
Faith in Science and Religion Nathaniel Givens
But Then There Would Be No Purpose Marilyn Nielson