A General Conference Odyssey post
The gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Because it is true, then it has the capacity to bring us back to worship at the feet of our Savior, and back into the presence of our Father.
I just finished reading an interesting book about the Prodigal Son (The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J. M. Nouwen). It’s a detailed analysis of a painting of this subject by Rembrandt. The message of his argument is that we are all the younger son–impulsive, carefree, selfish, and in need of forgiveness. We are also all the older son–jealous, proud, judgmental, and also in need of forgiveness. And we must all become the father–more loving, merciful, compassionate, and joyful at the return of any child.
Interestingly, I felt the things taught in this book fit well with the talks given in the Sunday afternoon session of the October 1974 General Conference. I feel these thoughts intertwine because the gospel really is true and it resonates with all of us.
Because the gospel is true, then we each are called to defend it. There is a spiritual war going on and we must fight for righteousness. In particular, our youth are bombarded with Satanic tricks that will lead them away into forbidden paths (see 1 Nephi 8:28). Victor L. Brown said there is a clearly defined battlefront and it is with each individual. Only we have the power to choose Jesus Christ.
Because the gospel is true, then our families mean more to us than anything else. We understand that families are forever; that there is an eternal link to each human being because we are all children of a god, even Heavenly Father. President Spencer W. Kimball urged parents to fight for the welfare of their families. Serve them, praise them, and include them. Encircle them in your arms and love them.
Because the gospel is true, then let us look to the great examples around us. Thomas S. Monson gave us a list of heroes that chose Jesus Christ. We can make the same choice and be a hero to someone else.
Because the gospel is true, then peace can be ours. Even though our world is full of anxiety, disruption, turmoil, and despair we have been promised peace. We can even be the peacemaker that brings peace to others. Franklin D. Richards said something rather poignant. “Did you ever stop to think that every time you criticize you are judging?” Where fingers are constantly being pointed at the other, we can easily see the important place of a peacemaker.
Because the gospel is true, then Jesus Christ is who He says He is. Joseph Anderson quoted scripture when he testified that “He is the [only] Way, the Truth, and the Life” (see John 14:6). His testimony of Jesus Christ is one we must come to carry in our own hearts and never be ashamed to share.
Because the gospel is true, then all can be saved and returned back to our heavenly home. With each accepting heart of this truth “heaven and earth tremble[s] and there is great ‘rejoicing among the angels of God.’ It is the joy for the returning sons and daughters. It is the joy of spiritual fatherhood” (Nouwen, 133).
Because the gospel is true, then I have, and will continue working at having, a testimony of it, of Jesus Christ, of our Heavenly Father’s plan, and of their ability and desire to forgive me completely so that I can return to them and become like them.
Other General Conference Odyssey posts:
The Home Is Our Peculiarity Nathaniel Givens
A strong, steady current Marilyn Nielson