This is a General Conference Odyssey post for the Sunday afternoon session of the April 1975 General Conference.
We are entering a lost civilization that is ripening for destruction. I say this at the risk of offending someone because offending anyone is the tell-tale sign of its arrival.
It is shocking, at least to me, that morality is now placed in such a negative light, while sin is being flaunted, protected, and nurtured all around us.
Neal A. Maxwell spoke (as always so beautifully) on “The Man of Christ.” Jesus Christ is the only one worth emulating and the only one we should be worried about offending, yet we live in a world where we could be jailed for not addressing a new-gender person the way they want to be addressed.
Instead of talking about the insanity that is surrounding this downturned world, I’d like to just point out some of the more beautiful truths Elder Maxwell shared.
“The disciple worships an unchanging God, and proclaims that the good tidings are brought anew; for the gospel is not merely a gospel for one age, for one people, or for one place–it is a gospel for the galaxies!”
There are those who are fighting desperately to change our world. Shouldn’t we instead work at changing our hearts?
“We bind the adversary and his mortal minions only as we bind our appetites.”
Our world allows everyone to have a voice and those voices are walking over other voices demanding to be heard. There seem to be only a few who realize the truth that controlling ourselves is what actually sets us free.
“[The man of Christ] knows that in leadership cleverness is not as important as content, that charisma and dash are not as vital as character and doctrine.”
There are more and more people–inside the church–who will choose entertainment over pure doctrine. I often wonder how God can be so very patient with us.
“The spirit of sacrifice is alive and well among those who travel the way!”
Yes, those who understand the gospel of Jesus Christ understand what sacrifice means. This concept is not taught in the world today. But it can still be taught in our homes so that when our children grow up and begin attending the temple they will recognize it as one of the more important principles to live by as true disciples of Christ.
The war is raging all around us and it’s easy to get swept away in this lost civilization. Let yourselves be found. Come back, Hold on, Repent, and Never Stop striving to become “the men and women of Christ.”
Other General Conference Odyssey posts:
Nothing good is ever lost Marilyn Nielson
Real Christianity is Contagious G
The LDS church has no position on “new gender” or transgender individuals. A transgender family member recently underwent a sex change operation. It was decided by the first presidency that no disciplinary action was necessary for the individual. This article is the opposite of what it tries to preach: true Christ-like behavior.
Is my statement not true? It isn’t attacking anyone, it’s simply stating a fact. We now put more importance in how we address people correctly than we do in our concern in offending Jesus Christ in our behavior, attitudes, choices, etc.
And may I point out, this is not an LDS church site, it is my own personal blog. Everything I say here is my own opinion and not the church’s stand. And may I once again clarify: My statement is based on fact, not prejudice.