I thought this most recent (Oct 2017) General Conference was particularly wonderful. I felt the power of the words spoken, that indeed, the Lord is directing His church and I received personal answers, showing ways I can improve.
Conference is meant to do just that: To be messages from God through His ordained leaders and to bring improvement to the lives of His believers. It always surprises me that people come to conference for other reasons, many to simply disprove what is said. For example, we still have naysayers sitting in the audience who proudly announce their vote against our General Authorities and then hurriedly scoot out of the Conference Center lest they hear something that may call them to repentance. Why do they think their negative vote must be whispered among the cavernous affirmatives?
We missed our prophet and Elder Hales. But their words were recalled for us and we could remember them with respect and love. It’s possible Pres. Monson won’t be with us much longer. What will the world think when an older man takes his place? Pres. Nelson still looks to be in excellent health at 93 years of age. But if this is what the Lord wants, it will be right.
Elder Oaks’ stirring talk on the Family Proclamation likely ruffled some feathers. Do people realize he is next in line to be prophet after Pres. Nelson? And he’s only 85 years old. But if this is what the Lord wants, it will be right.
I guess what I appreciated most of all this conference was the assurance that everything is still, and safely, in the Lord’s hands. Sometimes, life is scary. The world is most definitely in turmoil and people are in pain EVERYWHERE. It’s hard to live in this day and age. BUT, the Lord is still in charge. He is allowing these horrors for a season, but if we are true and faithful we will be victorious because Jesus Christ is the victor. His gospel is true. It is our challenge to change our hearts to meet His requirements. That is hard for everyone, but that is what we signed up for when we came to earth. Life was always meant to be hard, to be sacrificed, and to be experienced in all its pain and glory.
Sis. Eubank called us to action. By following the words of a prophet, who prophesied 38 years ago, older women, and younger women alike, must stand tall against the adversary. The Lord has called His daughters to choose righteousness, act in His name, and gather His sheep. This is the final gathering and God wants as many of His sons and daughters saved as possible, and we are called to do that work. We are encouraged to use love and kindness, but we are also encouraged to be steadfast and immovable.
Using the Book of Mormon as our strength, we were reminded to study its words, to find strength in action as we hold onto it–our iron rod–with both hands while traversing the treacherous path. Absolute truth lies within its pages and we will see the deceivers for who they really are.
It is for us to obey the words of God through His servants. It is for us to align ourselves with God. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has the only true authority of God. Jesus Christ has spoken. Only His priesthood offers us the ordinances of salvation. We have been called to help save our brothers and sisters. And it is upon us to be true and faithful to His word.
I thought conference was wonderful too. Is is because I’m older and more spiritually experienced? Or are they really better now? Whatever the reason, I appreciate conference more with each passing year. If we will heed their words we will be prepared to meet the Savior when he comes again.
I’m not sure either. I do have an adult-ish vested interest in listening to conference as well, but I think there was something very powerful this time around. Everyone had an important and relevant message to share and everything seemed to gel together really well. I’m thinking time on this earth is coming to a close and we all have to sharpen our active obedience.
Thank you so much for all of your encouraging words!