This is a General Conference Odyssey post.
James E. Faust spoke on “The Refiner’s Fire.” It made me think of two words that seem to have lost their meanings: sacrifice and tolerance. I believe these two attributes are very important and will actually see us through the fire.
- I’ve noticed people don’t talk much about the subject of sacrifice, which is a covenant
we make in the temple. Sacrifice of time and attitude, in particular. It is not common to see people sacrifice themselves to the Lord as in the example Pres. Faust used of the handcart companies caught in the snows. He actually uses the quote that has since been debunked, but no matter, it is a fact that those who were in the Martin and Willie companies became stronger spiritually because of their sacrifice. Which makes it even more amazing when we realize they had to wait over a hundred years longer for their temple work to be completed (See Second Rescue).
- It’s interesting to see members of the church leaving because “the other guy” isn’t tolerant. People blame it on the LDS Church’s stand on the LGBT issue. Actually, it’s because the church refuses to lower its standards from what God has pronounced clearly in His scriptures, and what the majority of strong societies have accepted and lived by for thousands of years.
I’m not here to argue any point, but I am here to stand for what I believe. Marion G. Romney said this in 1941:
“No person whose soul is illuminated by the burning Spirit of God can in this world of sin and dense darkness remain passive.”
I don’t expect to be louder than some minority voices, but in my small sphere, I want to make sure people know where my allegiance lies. I choose to follow Jesus Christ and I believe what He says in the scriptures. I also believe we are sent down to this earth to experience pain for the purpose of proving ourselves. Through sacrifice, in not always having everything turn out so well in my life, and in tolerating the imperfect state I’m in, but otherwise living the commandments to the best of my ability, I trust God will reward me appropriately and mercifully.
There is enough pain, and suffering, in this world without adding Satan into the mix. He brings a hotbed of anger that stirs the pot. As long as I keep the covenants I’ve made with Jesus Christ, I can minimize the mess that Satan offers.
It helps to see what I believe through others’ words. These are definitions I found on lds.org that help me stay focused on the side I have chosen.
Sacrifice: “To sacrifice is to give up something valuable or precious, often with the intent of accomplishing a greater purpose or goal. Sacrifice has always been a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a reminder of the great atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ for all who have lived or will live on earth. … After the Atonement of Christ, followers of Jesus Christ—by His direction—began to offer instead a “broken heart and contrite spirit” (3 Nephi 9:20), a willingness to repent of sins and a desire to follow Jesus Christ and align one’s life with His commandments.”
Tolerance: “Tolerance is a virtue much needed in our turbulent world. But we must recognize that there is a difference between tolerance and tolerate. Your gracious tolerance for an individual does not grant him or her license to do wrong, nor does your tolerance obligate you to tolerate his or her misdeed. That distinction is fundamental to an understanding of this vital virtue” (Pres. Russell M. Nelson).
We all must make a choice. The choice is ours, and ours alone. My own willingness to sacrifice and show tolerance toward others will allow me to receive all the mercy the Lord can give me.
Amen and amen! I didn’t know about the “debunking”; sad, because that is one of my favorite quotes. I, too, have come to know the Savior in my extremities.