In our world of mixed up genders, I would like to take this time to emphasize what it is to be a woman and what we are meant to do on this earth. I’m inspired to do this because this session of conference does just that.
Before I get into the great things our former leaders said, I’d like to share with you a woman that may be forgotten but is truly unforgettable: Jesse Evans Smith. You can read a little about her here.
Jesse married Elder Joseph Fielding Smith. She was all girl and even though he may have been a little on the shy side, she was apparently never too much woman for him. She was an opera singer and once sang “I Enjoy Being a Girl” at a BYU devotional that I would pay good money to go back in time to see and hear in person.
Following are the speakers of the Women’s Fireside, or meeting. (It’s had several names over the years.)
This talk made famous by the quote we hear a lot these days. Originally read by Sis. Kimball while her husband lay in the hospital.
“Much of the major growth that is coming to the Church in the last days will come because many of the good women of the world (in whom there is often such an inner sense of spirituality) will be drawn to the Church in large numbers. This will happen to the degree that the women of the Church reflect righteousness and articulateness in their lives and to the degree that the women of the Church are seen as distinct and different—in happy ways—from the women of the world”
Here are a few fairly recent talks that have used this quote:
Turn On Your Light Sharon Eubank 2017
A Plea to My Sisters Elder Russell M. Nelson 2015
The Vision of Prophets regarding Relief Society: Faith, Family, Relief Julie B. Beck 2012
Stand Tall and Stand Together Sheri Dew 2000
We Are Women of God Sheri Dew 1999
I’m not sure we, as the women of the church, quite understand what this quote is supposed to mean for us yet. It would be a great discussion question in a Relief Society meeting. The truth is we are still living between two worlds. We have enough reminders that we should probably seriously think about going all in to fulfill our divine destiny.
Sister Naomi M. Shumway (Primary)
“Teaching and rearing [our girls] is a sacred trust and a solemn responsibility.” Because children are our future she says, “Think tomorrow today!” We may need to emphasize raising our girls to be better, future mothers and women of God. “A girl is the only thing God has created that can become a woman.” This statement may not be politically correct, but it’s absolutely true.
Elaine A. Cannon (Young Women)
“The Women in this Church need to be prepared … ours is the errand of influence … if we have studied the gospel, developed our skills.” I appreciate Sis. Cannon’s directness. She concludes with, “I don’t want to seem simplistic, sisters, but we need to move!”
Barbara B. Smith (Relief Society)
“Each woman faces the challenge of being true to the principles of the gospel.” She quotes Eliza R. Snow, who said, “It is the duty of each one of us to be a holy woman. We shall have elevated aims, if we are holy women.”
We are the mothers and the nurturers, but these talks tell us, loud and clear, that we need to be more than that. We need to be “scriptorians” and emissaries of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Can we just rejoice, for a minute, that we are girls, daughters of a king; complete and wonderful women of God? He needs us—and He needs us now—to set our influence of righteousness upon the world. Choose your side and be all in.
Additional General Conference Odyssey posts:
Treasuring up Marilyn Nielson
Wonderful quotes!!! I love being a woman and have trouble understanding others who feel “oppressed” etc. I love being a wife and mother too. Best job in the whole world!
So true. I love to read all this story and comments about women of God. How amazing it is!!