This General Conference Odyssey post is for the Sunday afternoon session of October 1980.
President Kimball closes this conference with a review of expectations. The conference was full of talks on loving our brothers and sisters, taking care of one another, overcoming adversity with one another, and strengthening one another. He quoted King Benjamin, who said, “Now, if you believe all these things see that ye do them” (Mosiah 4:10).
He encouraged us to go to our homes, which is like entering back into the world; not to lose our perspective from the feelings of the conference, even if others are confused, but steadily, and with persistent dedication borne of the Spirit.
Somehow that reminded me about our own latest conference. It’s been a while now. Do we remember what was taught and are we doing them? This past week, I read through all of the talks (almost in one sitting—I used my downtime well and I gained a better perspective of things taught as a whole picture. I recommend it!). I’ve written out the ideas that struck me in each talk. If you do your own, other ideas might pop out at you. It also really helps to highlight and create notes, offering quick reminders as you review (and really, we should be reviewing repeatedly for the 6 months in between).
Here are my quick notes for the first two sessions of our April 2018 General Conference.
M. Russell Ballard Precious Gifts from God
Faith in Christ; Sabbath Day; the Sacrament; Service to others; our Savior, Jesus Christ. We must treasure these gifts and use them to strengthen ourselves and others. These are not valued in our world today. What a contrast in objectives between the world and God.
Brian K. Taylor Am I a Child of God?
Something powerful happens when a child of God seeks God. Coming to know Him changes everything. With all the suicides around us, Satan is doing his best to urge us to forget our own personal value. I am a child of God. He knows me. He loves me. He watches over me. Not only that, but I testify that my ancestors also know me, love me, and watch over me. Knowing this really does change everything!
Larry J. Echo Hawk Even as Christ Forgives You, So Also Do Ye
Forgive even when others don’t deserve it. This brings peace and a powerful partnering with the Savior. The world has hijacked the word tolerance with a whole different definition and people are miserable because of it. We, on the other hand, understand that Jesus Christ paid the price for our personal pain (which we must give back to Him) and we must allow Him to set all things right again.
Gary E. Stevenson The Heart of a Prophet
He taught us about “Apostolic Interregnum,” which is when the Quorum of the 12 leads the church in the absence of a prophet. Jesus Christ’s church is always on course, even between prophets. The rest of his talk allowed us to get to know our new prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, who has been called of God.
Lynn G. Robbins Until Seventy Times Seven
This is the gospel of repentance. The Sacrament is a step by step improvement program to overcome weaknesses and receive strength, but are we using this gift correctly? There will come a time when there won’t be any more chances.
Neil L. Andersen The Prophet of God
The most important role of a prophet is to teach of Christ and lead us to Him. We each can receive a personal witness when the prophet asks us to change, repent, and return to the Lord. What do people show when they speak against the prophet? What do people, who think they are prophets, really teach?
David A. Bednar Meek and Lowly of Heart
What is meekness? Righteous responsiveness, willing submissiveness, strong self-restrain, no hesitation or sense of self-importance. Meekness is the foundation from which all spiritual capacities and gifts arise. Another attribute of Christ the world knows nothing about. In fact, the world mocks meekness.
Do we use our time on earth wisely? Do we make personal sacrifices with our time? Do we have time to serve our families, in the church, our neighbors? With the way we use our time today do we feel strengthened and prepared to meet God?
Bonnie L. Oscarson Young Women in the Work
How can we train Young Women for their future by using them now in church service? This is almost a violent change in the Young Women’s philosophy. It was a shocking reality check to be so thoroughly served in Young Women’s then suddenly be asked to do all the serving in Relief Society. Thank you, Sis. Oscarson, for calling attention to the need for Young Women leaders to let these young women find a real opportunity to serve.
Taniela B. Wakolo Saving Ordinances Will Bring Us Marvelous Light
God promised us blessings when we keep our covenants. Being good isn’t enough. Power comes with purposeful covenant keeping. Powerful!
Devin G. Durrant Teaching in the Home—a Joyful and Sacred Responsibility
Parents have the responsibility to teach, counsel, and set a good example for children. There are too many parents trying to fulfill their own dreams, or possibly living their dreams through their children. More time needs to be spent teaching and training in the home.
Dale G. Renlund Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing
“When God directs us to do one thing, He often has many purposes in mind.” “When ordinances are performed on behalf of the deceased, God’s children on earth are healed.” These two sentences are profound. They are true. We must experience this joy personally.
It felt good to refresh my mind on the great truths spoken in this conference. All of the talks are about issues of our day. Maybe I need to improve in some areas. Maybe I need to be there for someone else to help them improve. Maybe I simply need my testimony to stand a little taller.
For a quick overview of other sessions, go here.
Additional posts:
Learning Maturity from the Mature G
Ordinary, Miraculous Marilyn Nielson