This is a General Conference Odyssey post for the April 1981 Sunday afternoon session.
With General Conference coming, we might reflect, once again, upon how we will react to the work we have all been called to do and will be reminded of. What is our errand in the work of the Lord?
Back in 1981, they were preaching the same things we are hearing today. Even the same things Joseph Smith preached as he learned them from heavenly angels and Jesus Christ, Himself. Our dispensation has a specific work to do and time is running out. Here is a synopsis of what was spoken that long-ago Sunday afternoon.
The Importance of Families
Elders Royden G. Derrick, Ted E. Brewerton, and Hartman Rector, Jr. all spoke on eternal families. Today, we recognize that true family love is the best defense of morality. We continue to struggle with true family love, but where living the gospel brings us joy, true family love brings awareness of the joy that comes when we associate with our families, both living and dead.
This is our most important errand in this dispensation: to save our families.
Sharing the Gospel
Not only must we diligently teach the gospel to our families and do the ordinance work for our ancestors, but another errand of responsibility is also sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with our neighbors. Elder Brewerton shared a story of an enthusiastic member who accidentally ran into another car on the road. He rushed over to the other driver taking complete responsibility for the incident and then he said, “Yet if I hadn’t hit you, you wouldn’t have received this message I have for you, the message that you have waited for all your life.”
Are we this enthusiastic on our own daily errand to share the gospel? Elder F. Burton Howard said, “Whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we are grateful or not, we are where we are because of others.” We owe much to the testimonies of others and likewise, our errand includes sharing our testimonies, so others can gain their own spiritual strength.
Obedience to Jesus Christ and His Prophet
Brewerton focused on obedience, and with this subject, he mentioned the importance of obeying the prophet with exactness. As President Nelson continues to change things within the structure of our church organization, we need to listen carefully, be prayerful, and act with a desire to obey with faith.
Elder Bruce R. McConkie, who always speaks of Jesus Christ in his talks, gave his testimony as an apostle of the Lord.
“And that this holy Apostleship and these keys will continue to descend from one Apostle to another until the Lord Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of heaven to reign personally upon the earth. And this I say not of myself, but in the name of the Lord, standing as his representative and saying what he would say if he personally were here.”
Likewise, our apostles today speak with the voice of God. When our apostles speak to us in the coming week, may our hearts be open and ready to personally hear the voice of God. And may we take upon us His holy errand.