I don’t usually pay much attention to political issues, but as more and more infringe upon my rights as a mother, as well as a citizen of the United States, I am beginning to see the importance of awareness, education, and action on my part to understand what I can do to maintain a secure place for my family to live.
The heart of most issues is that we all agree the problem exists, but not all of us agree on how to solve the problem. A Proposition is only one solution of many. It is every citizen’s right and responsibility to vote for the solution that best benefits the community. Proposition 2 in Utah is merely one solution, but it is our responsibility to study it to see if it is right for our community?
At this time, marijuana is illegal on the federal level, but every year, people are making the decision whether to legalize marijuana in their own states. And this year it’s Utah’s turn. But nothing is ever simple, is it?
So, in order to make an informed choice, have you looked into the pros and cons of this Proposition?
Did you know?
Marijuana (cannabis) has healing properties.
It can help those who have seizures, intestinal diseases, and many other debilitating health abnormalities. It can also be used to control pain. Studies are still being done to satisfy the FDA, but very sick people have clearly been helped through receiving marijuana as a medicine.
Privately owned dispensaries would pop up all over the state.
Because marijuana is illegal under federal law, it cannot be dispensed from existing pharmacies. New dispensaries must be built to grow cannabis. These dispensaries can be built as close as 600 ft. away from your neighborhood (see p. 14, 26-60b-201,5d of the bill). And dispensaries will be allowed, under this proposition, to give out free samples (see p. 20, 26-60b-502, 7 of the bill). Anyone purchasing marijuana will receive 2 oz. of unprocessed cannabis (see p. 20, 26-60b-502, 3a of the bill). It is up to the purchaser to figure out how they will ingest the marijuana, as well as decide on the dosage they need for their relief.
Passing this proposition will turn Utah into a marijuana medical and decriminalized state.
That means marijuana will be legally available to anyone who qualifies for a medical card (see p. 16, 26-60b-204 of the bill), which can be given by anyone in any medical field, except veterinary, to anyone who complains of any degree of pain or disability (see p. 13, 26-60b-107 of the bill). It also means that if anyone is found with any amount of marijuana it will simply be a minor infraction, if any punishment at all (see p. 6, 4-41b-404, 4 of the bill).
We can’t deny that marijuana helps some people, but this bill is not complete. It doesn’t have enough safeguards in place to protect our children. Vote NO to Proposition 2 and help to work out a better solution.
And now, for my final point. Who is better suited to protecting the family than Relief Society sisters? Back in the early days of the Salt Lake Valley, it was the Relief Society that organized and initiated schools, hospitals, child care, and health initiatives because 1) women know how to organize and spread their charity and service quickly and efficiently, and 2) women care about their families and will do anything to protect them.
What are Relief Society sisters of today doing about political issues such as this one? Are Relief Society presidents too hesitant to bring such a controversial subject to a Sunday council meeting? And is discussing this issue in the “safe zone” of Relief Society too risky among women who really do care about children? And how safe is it to discuss other controversial subjects in our Relief Societies when families are at risk?
Sisters, we have a destiny to fulfill. Isn’t standing up politically for family part of our destiny? Are we making ourselves aware of the issues we face on our ballots, educating ourselves, and being proactive to anything that may affect our homes and families?
Visualize with me what it would look like if Relief Society sisters, from all over, created a loud voice of reason in the world today. Can you see us? Can you see the power and influence of goodness that would spread across the land? Marijuana isn’t the only issue at stake here. Join with me, as we rise up to face—together—more and more life-changing decisions that we are being asked to vote on.
I wish the RS sister would rise up. What is shocking is the number of commenters on Facebook who say, “Nobody is going to tell me how to vote, least of all the church, they should stay out of politics.” Obviously these people don’t know their USA history, for it was the religious leaders who spoke eloquently and frequently of liberty vs. tyranny, and help us to win the Revolutionary War. I ponder on how we are ever going to come to be of one heart, and of one mind, a Zion people who know and do the Lord’s will. I’ll be listening for answers in General conference.
Yes, and don’t our hearts stir when we read about Captain Moroni raising his title of liberty in defense of “our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children” (Alma 46:12)? Even small groups of united women can make a difference. Relief Society has been called to follow the prophet, stand for truth, and act on their righteous and religious beliefs.