What does your Relief Society do to protect families? And do you think it should?
When my kids were in school, I would get a slip of paper sent home informing me that the class would be discussing “sex education.” This note let me know what was going on and gave me the choice whether I wanted my child to sit in or be sent to the library during that hour.
I always told my kids I was opting for them to go to the library and it wasn’t till after school I would learn that they were never sent out, and they wouldn’t have gone anyway, because it would have been too embarrassing being the only ones to go.
At home, we’d already informed our kids of what we wanted them to know about what we preferred calling—morality. We also taught them of—only some—of the ugly stuff in the world. But face it, it was tame compared to what our children are facing today.
In the guise of claiming “sex education is a human right,” the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) program is entering our schools through government control, meaning once the bill has passed, it’s incredibly hard to UN-pass it. But, by the time you realize the damage, it is too late.
This program is not only in the United States. It’s spreading all over the world using platforms Planned Parenthood has used for years; promoting sexual freedom. Did you know that UNICEF, again in the guise of “helping,” is threatening third world countries that if they don’t agree to teach CSE in their schools they will be denied foreign aid?
This is something Relief Society sisters, especially the mothers of these young children can get involved in to STOP this from happening in your state before it’s too late. Anything that puts families at risk should put Relief Society sisters on guard.
What does your Relief Society do to protect families?
I won’t go into any detail of what CSE teaches. There is plenty of information online that will open your eyes. Notice how PRO-sites present the teaching methods of their program. Notice what the program really teaches on the CON-sites. Start with these websites and learn all you can, then jump in!
What is Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
International Planned Parenthood
Parent+Information packet from California (It may interest you to know that while teaching “basics” that may not follow your religious point of view, those sections are up to 5 pages long. The gender spectrum section is 12 pages.)