How much power can Satan have over us when we are busy fulfilling all the challenges President Nelson has given us? I just finished reading all of his conference talks, since he was called as a General Authority. It’s taken me a couple of months. Here is a rough tally of the topics he speaks most on:
Plan of Salvation—17 talks
Priesthood Power—15 talks
Women—8 talks
Temple—7 talks
This gives you an idea of where his focus has been. He also has spoken a couple of times on the Book of Mormon and the important name of the Church. And who can forget his classic talk on the Sabbath Day?
As we prepare to move into a new year with new marching orders, let’s see what our focus should be, according to the words of our prophet.
- Clearly, seeking personal revelation is at the top of the list.
- While he has spent considerable time over the years teaching about the Plan of Salvation, we are now at the point where we must complete the cycle of Heavenly Father’s Plan and gather Israel in preparation for greeting the Savior when He comes for the second time to rule and reign on the earth.
- His focus is on temples, without a doubt. We must become worthy to attend the temple, go often to the temple, live the covenants of the temple, and gather our living and dead in the temple.
- He has reminded us that Jesus Christ is our central focus. We have been invited to learn all we can about our Savior, take His name upon us, and bear witness of Him.
- He has inspired us to focus on teaching one another, loving one another, and helping one another prepare for the Millennium.
That’s not all. In other talks, he has offered challenges:
Worldwide Youth Devotional—Hope of Israel
- Hold a seven-day fast from social media.
- Make a weekly sacrifice of time to the Lord for three weeks.
- Keep on the covenant path. If you are off, repent and get back on the path.
- Pray daily that all of God’s children might receive the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Stand out. Be different. Be a light. Give to a friend one copy of the booklet For the Strength of Youth.
Speaking not just to mothers, who will have a lot of influence in their homes, he asks that all women take their rightful place in the Gathering of Israel by challenging themselves to the following:
- Start a 10-day fast from Social Media and any other media.
- Read the Book of Mormon between now and the end of the year. Mark each verse that speaks of or refers to the Savior.
- Establish a pattern of regular temple attendance.
- Participate fully in Relief Society and study its purpose statement.
Youth in Chile were challenged to study these five topics in the Bible Dictionary in order to be more prepared in the temple:
- Anoint
- Atonement
- Covenant
- Sacrifices
- Temple
In recent talks, he’s told us to watch how we address terms such as The Atonement of Jesus Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and he made suggestions on how better to understand the Book of Mormon as a tool to bring others to Jesus Christ. He said,
“President Thomas S. Monson pleaded with each of us to prayerfully study and ponder the Book of Mormon each day. Many have responded to our prophet’s plea. Since President Monson’s challenge six months ago, I have tried to follow his counsel. Among other things, I’ve made lists of what the Book of Mormon is, what it affirms, what it refutes, what it fulfills, what it clarifies, and what it reveals. Looking at the Book of Mormon through these lenses has been an insightful and inspiring exercise! I recommend it to each of you.”
His talk even offers the lists he made.
We have our work cut out for us, brothers and sisters! When it comes to next year’s Home-centered learning schedule, we’ll have more than enough material to challenge, discuss, and testify with one another.