President Nelson has asked us to re-energize Relief Society by understanding our purpose. We have a destiny, sisters, and he is calling on us to position ourselves, so we can become a vital part in preparing the world to receive its king, even Jesus Christ.
Feeling a Part of Relief Society
If you don’t feel a part of Relief Society, take careful notes as to what Elder Mark E. Petersen says in this article, shared in the celebration of Relief Society’s birthday back in March 1976.
The first part of his talk encourages us to separate ourselves from the world. He says, “We must waken to the realization that if we are going to truly serve the Lord, we must put the Church and the gospel first in our lives and not allow worldly philosophies to crowd them out or to downgrade them.”
I have seen how sisters are torn in fashion, attitudes, and philosophies between the gospel of Jesus Christ and the world. Sadly, the world often wins, and we lose that talented sister. Instead, may we band together, stand against the world, and choose to serve only one master.
Our Purpose Has “Certain Specific Ends”
Elder Petersen reminds us that Joseph Smith organized the Relief Society as a part of the restored church, giving it “certain specific ends” to accomplish.
- It was to make better Latter-day Saints of us all.
- It was to build stronger homes.
- It was to strengthen our marriages.
- It was to help us rear stronger Latter-day Saint children.
- It was to help us make the Golden Rule function better among us as we render compassionate service to others.
- It was to strengthen our communities and make our neighborhoods better places to live.
- It was to educate our sisters in successful ways to solve their personal problems.
- It was to give them an appreciation of good literature and other cultural advantages to enrich and broaden their lives.
- It was to help our women see their inspired role in life as partners with God in the high estate of wives and mothers.
- It was to help our sisters to know that Mormon women are not second-class citizens; that they are not confined and circumscribed; and that they need not look for liberation in the avenues of the world.
He acknowledges that all Latter-day Saint women “are the freest women on earth. They have the greatest opportunity for self-expression and service … Because they have the gospel. … The gospel elevates womankind like nothing else can.”
Our Purpose is to Save Souls
Families are under attack in our day. Individuals have so many battles they’re dealing with that marriages are at risk. When marriages fail, children have little chance of coming out as a whole member of society.
Women have lost the purpose of Relief Society, which is to strengthen the women by teaching and encouraging them how to be wives to their husbands and mothers to their children. Does that sound old-fashioned and oppressive? Well, guess what? That is exactly what the world wants you to think and feel.
The truth is wives and mothers have a vital function, in the Plan of Salvation, to nurture their families and help them return back to their Heavenly Father’s presence. This is the great work of Relief Society.
Sisters, do not fear the world! Teach your children so that one day they will say of you, “We do not doubt our mothers knew it” (Alma 56:48).
To Relief Society Presidents
You, who are presidents of the Relief Society in your wards and stakes, stand up against the philosophies of the world and teach your sisters how to be true mothers in Zion. Every woman has unique qualities about her that can nurture souls back to heaven. Whether you serve in other auxiliaries or sit in Relief Society class, we all have the responsibility to teach the young how to walk the path to the Tree of Life. We are all in this together and we can all help and support one another as the world encroaches more and more into our lives diverting our paths.
Our purpose is to unite our divine qualities to save souls.
I nominate you as the woman I’d most like to have as a neighbor! Thank you for this fantastic post. I really feel compassion for the younger women who struggle with this. They were subtly indoctrinated in school and don’t realize it. They have watched too much television with the worldly philosophies and mores. We do need strong RS to keep teaching the women of their most important roles and contributions; to come out of the world and to be the light and example to the the world of what a righteous woman, wife, mother and sister is.
Thank you! And same to you. With Pres. Nelson’s help, I think we can get to where we need to be.