I love it when I run across a talk that casually mentions the greatness of women. In James E. Faust’s talk, in the October 1981 conference, he says, in the middle of talking about Joseph Smith,
“The Church which he restored has had dramatic growth in many parts of the earth. It has produced an unequaled missionary system and an unmatched welfare program. Its governing system gives priesthood power and authority from God to all worthy male members, at the same time recognizing the exalted status of women as being equal to men.”
About ten years ago, when I started this blog, I immediately wanted to know where women stood in the eyes of the brethren, so I began collecting quotes that explore our greatness. One of these days I need to sit down and organize it better. I didn’t capture all the references, as I listed them, and I stopped adding to it about three years ago for whatever reason.
But even still, I have 243 quotes listed, from both men and women, and that’s by not looking very hard. I will continue searching and collecting because clearly, God loves His daughters and watches for their greatness to blossom.
Deciding on a title for this post seemed obvious, but then I remembered I had titled a much earlier post the same. You can read that short post here. It gives a quick overview of what amazing Latter-day Saint women were doing in the 19th century.
What I discovered early on, is that we are absolutely important to the Lord. We have a purpose, to be mothers in Israel in this world, queens in the next. And women are talked to, encouraged, and exalted in word just as much as the men are.
I find it so interesting that Satan has convinced so many women that motherhood is a drag. Haven’t we seen how those women, who chose a career, desire more than anything in their later years to be mothers?
Not all women will be mothers on this earth, for many different reasons, but we have been assured that all who want to become mothers will, eventually, have that privilege and ability. Because that is our purpose: To become queens and mothers to a whole race of people.
A little closer to home, than such a magnificent future, we have gifts and talents that only seem to be magnified in women. Our tender hearts are meant to succor the world. Charity never faileth and we are meant to reach out and help others. There are, of course, many ways to accomplish this, by using our unique gifts and talents.
Joseph Smith said we are to save souls. Certainly, men are called to do that, but sometimes it takes a woman to reach certain souls. We have unique gifts that men simply do not have.
Never forget, dear sisters! You are needed. Your femininity is needed. Your gifts and talents are needed. And you are wanted.