Christmas is upon us, once again. We live in a world of contrast: great abundance and destitution. May we treat Christmas with the spiritualness it deserves, making someone else’s holiday special as we reach out and serve.
- We were challenged, by Pres. Nelson, to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. It might be nice to share your testimony with someone about your reading experience this Christmas.
- And reading the Nephite Christmas story at this time of year is a nice way to change up your Christmas celebration.
- Ministering is no longer just Visiting Teaching. Ministering is sharing the spirit with one another. This goes beyond a shared story or treat. What difference can you make with your sisters this year?
- Serve your family and community. You might try serving in a capacity you’ve never served before.
- Take the time to attend the temple in December, if at all possible. If not, maybe you can find some family names to take to the temple next time you are able to go.
- Get your hearts open and ready for any other changes we may be asked to make in the coming future and, with enthusiasm, meet the challenge and know that it’s getting us ready to greet Jesus Christ at His coming.
- Realize that Christmas really isn’t the only time to give. People need help all year long. Commit to finding service opportunities throughout the year and find that sense of commitment to the betterment of all our brothers and sisters.
Don’t let yourself ever forget. We are celebrating the birth and life of the Savior of the World. He fulfilled the will of His Father so that we might have eternal life. Seek the Spirit and allow Him to reconvert you afresh. Just think, when He finally comes, it will be Christmas every day.