How can I belong to Relief Society now that it’s only two hours a month? That is a good question. Here are some ideas to think about.
First of all, every ward is unique, and it will be up to bishops and RS presidents to decide what is needed in their ward. But we are a world-wide Relief Society, and many of our needs will be the same because we have one purpose and one goal, right?
Most of my ideas come from what the Church already provides, so they won’t be brand new ideas, but I hope you’ll see them with new eyes. Let the spirit show you how to best manipulate them into valuable areas of study that will best help your sisters and your families.
Marriage and Family
Everyone knows the family is under attack by the world. The Church of Jesus Christ protects marriages and families, so how can Relief Society promote this idea? You just have to figure out when to hold additional meetings or disburse the great resources that are available and much needed.
- Resources to Strengthen Marriages and Families This is a course offered by the church that includes lots of areas that can help families.
- Common Challenges Facing Families Listed like topics, these are also helpful ideas with helpful sources.
- Search Church Magazines (since 1971) for articles on help for marriages and families. Get together and discuss or share ideas that you learn.
Homemaking skills are necessary for everyone to learn no matter if times are good or bad. First, find out who has certain skills in your ward and can teach, then find out who wants to learn certain skills. (And I mean skills, not hobbies.) Try to match them up or learn together with Youtube videos. Homemaking is where a woman learns how to be the Mother of her home and household.
- Mother Education lessons—Part A, Part B These manuals have been used for ages, but there is still a lot of good information in them.
- Ward Cookbooks can be created and accessed online so they can be added to.
- Family Home Evening Resource Book This book has several hundred ideas in it.
- Provident Living This is a website where the Church offers a lot of help in self-reliance, emergency preparedness, finances, etc.
Temple and Family History
- Temple Prep Classes There’s nothing wrong with reviewing these lessons even after attending the temple.
- Host a Family Discovery Day a couple of times a year. This site will show you exactly what to do.
- Visit your local Family History Center
Sharing the Gospel
Many of us are squeamish when we’re asked to speak up about the church to our friends and neighbors. Having a wide variety of activities makes it a lot easier to invite people to learn new things that both of you might be interested in.
Relief Society
We need to provide a place for sisters to learn the history of our Relief Society. There are many books available that tell the stories and testimonies of our early sisters and their workings in this great organization.
- Daughters in My Kingdom
- First Fifty-Years of Relief Society, including the original Minute Book
- At the Pulpit, review past women’s talks as well as more modern-day conference addresses by women
- If you’re really ambitious, read articles from the Woman’s Exponent or Relief Society Magazine
Community Awareness
There are always some sisters who have an interest in what is going on in our community, including our schools, our city ordinances, constitutional rights, etc. It’s a good idea to encourage these women to learn all they can and show the rest of the sisters what is encroaching upon us as citizens. Understanding things that are happening around us help us find more ways to serve to stand as a light in the growing darkness.
Compassionate Service and Humanitarian Aid
We aren’t always aware of who needs help around us. Some things we can act on our own, but we can make a greater impact when we work together. Here are some suggestions:
- Take a walk, or drive around, with a prayer in your heart to see if you can sense who could use some help, a thoughtful phone call, or visit.
- On Sundays, look at the faces in your congregation. Then, on Monday, spend some time calling or texting anyone who seemed to look a little downhearted.
- Humanitarian aid is much needed all year long. Be one of those wards who always has a project or two going on.
- Visiting care centers and hospitals with songs, stories, animals, or cards are simple ways to spread joy and happiness to others.
- There are many local organizations, which we are encouraged to help.
Singing Mothers
Regardless, whether you have a ward choir or not, create a Singing Mothers group of singers. Practice regularly and find places to sing just for the sheer joy of song.
Sisters, we BELONG to Relief Society. The difference we make in the world will come about because of what we do when we get together, when we strengthen our homes, and when we personally become lights wherever we stand.