The early sisters in the Salt Lake Valley had little to work on when they first arrived. But organizing themselves, they got to work setting their world afire. In our day, we cannot even hope to accomplish anything in two hours a month. We must be like those sisters who loved and lived the gospel of Jesus Christ, purposely setting fire to all the flowing inspiration the Lord gives to all of us.
President Nelson has called us to wake up our Relief Societies and discover our purpose and our destiny. F
Sunday Lessons
Because there are only two each month, make them count. Here are some suggestions:
- Lessons have been changing over the past few years. In fact, no lessons should be prepared anymore. All lesson time should be used as a forum for discussion, sharing home-study and personal growth experiences.
- Discussions can still include a council of sorts if an action requires planning from the entire group.
- Sisters, we need to feel the spirit in these lessons. We need to go home pumped up and edified, so we can make the appropriate changes in our families. Let’s start acting on gospel precepts in our everyday lives!
Mini Meetings
Monthly meetings always seem to be poorly attended. Stop fighting them. Start inviting sisters to get together with gospel purpose. The Handbook suggests a member of the presidency attends any of the meetings organized, but that doesn’t mean they have to come up with the idea or organize it. Any sister can suggest a reason to get together, even if it’s just a few interested friends to start with.
Presidents need to be aware of these organic meetings, so they can support and advertise it. The Handbook offers suggestions.
- Marriage and Family–Take on the Marriage Relations class and the Mother Education lessons as a small group meeting.
- Homemaking–Homemaking skills are always necessary and so many have been lost over the years. On the other hand, modern times call for modern measures. Learn new skills together from Youtube.
- Self-reliance & Provident Living–Offer challenges on social media. Sisters are likely to lead out in these areas (instead of the brethren), so own it and get excited about the benefits from living providently.
- Compassionate service–Why can’t the CS leader create a small army of do-gooders and canvas the ward?
- Temple & Family History–Teach one another skills, attend the temple together and help organize the youth. Take trips to the Family History Center near you or discover who you’re related to and begin working with them on common lines. Organize a show and tell where sisters share what they’re working on.
- Sharing the gospel–You’ll never introduce anyone to the church if you don’t have purposeful Relief Society activities to invite them to. We are different, so let us be different and offer something different. And all of us should be praying for opportunities because they will come.
- Use Social Media to bring groups together in discussion forums, group texts, FaceTime and Google Hangout. During-the-week interaction makes it possible to include Primary and Young Women workers, as well as the young women.
- Please form a group of sisters interested in learning about the Relief Society history. Start with Daughters in My Kingdom.
Without a formal lesson, many sisters seem to be stumped how to proceed. There are no rules on how to minister. To me that means any creative venture is appropriate. Just remember purpose and destiny.
- Bring the sisters you minister together, creating bonds of friendship. Discover something you all can be passionate about together.
- Work on Family History. Be secret sisters to others in the ward. Continue discussing Sunday lessons. Bring your families together. Whatever you do, don’t continue the once-at-the-end-of-the-month forced visit. Enjoy interacting often together!
- Use Social Media to discuss things such as scriptures, General Conference addresses, family solutions, positive reinforcement.
It’s time to be creatively inspired and innovative just like our early sisters were in the Salt Lake Valley. They had to start from scratch. They had to