This is a General Conference Odyssey post of the Welfare session of April 1982.
Back in 1982, welfare concerns were employment, economy and maintaining your property. Today, our emphasis has shifted somewhat. While trying to physically survive on this planet, we can find valuable welfare support at lds.org.
As we begin this new year of change, it made me wonder what our resourced are in order to fulfill the true welfare needs of our families. There are many resources available to us. For example, individuals have been at work putting together materials and resources to help us follow the Come Follow Me lesson plan.
But, has anyone looked at lds.org, and all that the church offers us already? Occasionally, I’ll do a random search and I am always astounded at the information that is available to us. We have 50 years of articles in the church magazines: Ensign, New Era, and The Friend. There are all of the teaching manuals over the years to draw from. And there are many new resources for strengthening our families that are not so well known.
Simple searches can bring up an enormous supply of ideas to guide and support our families. Try searching, within lds.org, scripture references, videos, magazines, training, provident living, children, youth. You’ll be surprised what pops up.
In my search, I ran across a talk, given by Elaine L. Jack (former Relief Society General President). She says,
“The purpose of the Relief Society organization of the Church, stated in our handbook, is to help women and their families come unto Christ. This means bringing the influence of Jesus Christ into our homes. It means we focus on his gospel and we find joy in living his commandments. It means we reexamine our time commitments and give emphasis to becoming a family that is united and at peace.
It’s no news to you that this is no easy job. All forms of the media comment on the fragmentation or even the demise of the family. Economic pressures force families to make difficult choices. We’re pulled in myriad directions, and yet we must hold gospel principles firmly in place.
Women have a key role in the family. We set the tone in our homes; we set the pattern for daily living; we set the standards for how people are treated; we are teacher, counselor, confidante, advocate, supporter, and companion” (“Relief Society: A Balm in Gilead,” Elaine L. Jack, GC, October 1995).
Not only are there scriptural helps available, but there is also a lot of information on helping people manage their finances, gain better employment, strengthen against pornography, parenting, and marital help, etc.
Here are some resources I found just by doing simple searches at lds.org. Do your own searches and find those hidden treasures that will inspire, strengthen, and bless your marriages, your families, and your homes. Our church cares about its people and our welfare system proves it.
Resources to strengthen marriages and families.
Home and Family offers help in areas typical families face in our world
Happiness in Family Life shares quotes and encouragement centered around the attributes fostered by The Family Proclamation