Ever since President Uchtdorf told the story about a member of the church not being able to tell a non-member what the prophet recently said, I have always felt it necessary to explore an overview of General Conference right before the next one comes up. Do you remember what the prophet said?
Everyone is still trying to grasp the changes that have dramatically changed our church lives. Ministering is a work in progress. Relief Societies and Elder’s Quorums are still trying to communicate better with one another. And now church function is stepping aside for stronger family function. These are big changes that we are still trying to make sense of.
But I think we see where this is all going, right? It is made clear simply by reading the titles of the talks that were given at our last General Conference.
Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
Gather Together in One All Things in Christ
Firm and Steadfast in the Faith of Christ
Sister’s Participation in the Gathering of Israel
Taking Upon Ourselves the Name of Jesus Christ
Becoming Exemplary Latter-day Saints
Jesus Christ is coming very, very soon. We still don’t know exactly when but clearly now is the time to lean upon our testimonies of Him. Now is the time to complete the work that must be done to present to Him. Now must all of our hearts be turned in anticipation of our King.
Unfortunately, now is also the time when Satan is at his most desperate. A lot of the talks are warnings to not be fooled. We were even reminded to go to the right source—the scriptures and personal revelation, rather than media and disgruntled members of our own church, past and present. Every talk had something to say about holding onto your testimony and what you know to be true.
Here are some phrases, inspired thoughts, and blessings our prophet bestowed upon us at our last conference. I hope you feel the tingling of the spirit stir your soul as you hear them, and I pray that they will cause you to stand strong at this most vital of times.
President Russell M. Nelson:
- Referred to the youth as the Lord’s youth battalion.
- Blessed women with the ability to leave the world behind as we assist in this crucial and urgent work.
- Promised that by using the correct full name of the Lord’s church, His power and blessings will pour down upon our heads, the likes of which we have never seen.
- Expects the new curriculum will unleash the power of families.
- Testified that our need to be in the temple on a regular basis has never been greater.
- Blessed all of us with increased faith in Christ and patience to endure the personal challenges in our lives.
We have a prophet of God who speaks with Jesus Christ, who stands as the head of this church. And we have much work to prepare for Christ’s coming. He will inspect this work and inspect us. We want to be able to kneel at His presence. Stay tuned for next conference where we will find more encouragement to stay faithful to the very end.