For years I have sat in Relief Society classes where unknowing sisters would use all class time figuring out who held keys of the priesthood. How I wish they had known about this talk to truly understand and explain the blessings of having the keys of the priesthood.
Elder McConkie, in a very simple and straight-forward way, explains the blessing it is to have ALL of the keys of the priesthood in this dispensation. First, John the Baptist, the last holder of the Aaronic priesthood, came down and conferred this priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. As Elder McConkie puts it:
“Now, for the first time in nearly 1700 years, there are mortal men on earth who can stand in the place of the Lord Jesus in ministering for the salvation of men. The hour is at hand when the gloom of sullen darkness will be pierced and the light of heaven again shine forth on our benighted planet.”
For years, our ancestors were in darkness because the heavens were closed. John the Baptist came down, at His Lord’s command, to confer the “keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins” (D&C 13). How we all must have rejoiced.
Later, Peter, James, and John came down to confer the Melchizedek priesthood. (see D&C 27:12-13). This priesthood holds the power to organize, preside over, govern, and regulate the kingdom of God on the earth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints could now be organized and established. Now, the gospel could be taught, meetings could be organized, and leaders could be called to lead the people.
Little by little, Joseph Smith continued receiving more information as important details followed. There were more keys needed to complete the work of the kingdom of God.
Moses, Elias, and Elijah came to confer additional keys. Moses brought with him the keys of the gathering of Israel. As people began accepting baptism, they, in turn, would go out and gather other of God’s children. Elias brought the keys of the gospel of Abraham; that all families in all generations might be blessed to know and participate in the Plan of Happiness. And Elijah brought the sealing power; that families in our dispensation could seal all of our ancestors into an eternal family. (See D&C 110).
In other words, what Moses, Elias, and Elijah brought were the necessary covenants we make in the temple for ourselves as well as our ancestors. This is our charge. To save our dead. And we have all the necessary keys of the priesthood to accomplish it.
No wonder Pres. Nelson is telling us to sacrifice our time to do Family History work. No wonder the church is making changes that will speed up efficiency. No wonder the focus is on missionary work and Family History work. Jesus Christ is coming, and we have an accounting to prepare for. All of us have been called to participate in the gathering of Israel and there is much work to be done. “For verily I say unto you, the keys of the dispensation, which ye have received, have come down from the fathers, and last of all, being sent down from heaven unto you” (D&C 112:30-34).
These are great and eternal blessings given to us through Jesus Christ’s Holy Priesthood, which we all take part. The gathering is real, and it is urgent. I add my testimony to Elder McConkie’s, who said,
“Now, this testimony I bear for myself and for all the faithful elders of the kingdom, and for all the sainted sisters who stand so valiantly at their sides.”
More General Conference Odyssey posts for April 1983, Saturday afternoon session:
Before We Are Ready Marilyn Nielson