How are we feeling about all these “changes” going on in our church? Are they true changes, or are they simply shifts that refocus our sights on Christ?
The gospel of Jesus Christ is true doctrine that leads us to not only salvation but exaltation, right? And we believe in works as well as faith. We also believe that as merciful as the Lord is, there will come a day of judgment.
It’s also important that we understand that this is Jesus Christ’s true church led by a prophet. Not the other way around. Our prophet has not been making these changes in our church. Jesus Christ has been getting us to shift our focus to Him and away from the world.
Our curriculum this year focuses on Jesus Christ and His teachings in the New Testament. Instead of reading these stories for the 10,000th time, we might consider reading them and studying them with new eyes. A shift of attitude that will prepare us further as we hope to recognize Him when He comes.
Each of the talks, during this session (Sunday morning of April 1983), focus on Jesus Christ. Elder Thomas S. Monson suggests we live “the Master’s lessons” in our own lives. We are right in the thick of studying His lessons, so how do we live His lessons? In particular, he talks about serving anonymously. That’s an interesting shift in our service.
What is our understanding of repentance? Elder F. Burton Howard describes two glass goblets. One has been kept safe and sparkling clean in a cabinet while the other one has been used in the garden and is encrusted with dirt. Do we really understand that the dirty goblet can be cleaned to look exactly like the goblet in the cabinet? Even scratches that seem so permanent can be removed. Do we even realize our clean goblet needs to be dusted and rinsed occasionally even though it’s never been used and is always kept safe in the cabinet?
Another talk, by Bishop Victor L. Brown, reminds us who we are. We live in a world where people have forgotten who they are and where they come from. Because of that, their identity has become fluid, or worthless. Far from it! We are all children of a God who loves us and wants us back home. Women will be queens and goddesses and men will be kings and gods. We are royal and holy, even as we struggle on this earth.
Elder Mark E. Petersen proclaims Christ as our Creator and Savior. In order for Christ to come down to atone for our sins, He created the earth and everything in it for our enjoyment. His atonement took planning and a great amount of love. It wasn’t something just thrown together on a whim. The Plan offered by our Heavenly Father was detailed and fully visualized. Jesus Christ offered Himself feeling nothing but love for us.
This earth will become our eternal home, our Celestial glory, for all those who recognize, honor, and obey our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Shifting our focus will bring us back to Christ and separate us once again from the shifting downturn of the world.