I’m sure many of us were waiting for our prophet to announce more changes during General Conference. Conference for me was focused on coming unto Christ NOW. No more time for procrastination. We need to know Christ, through His scriptures, so that we can gather Israel—as we share what we know—and recognize Him when He comes. And there can be no doubt, EVERYONE is welcome who will receive Him.
There were several talks that spoke to me, directly, but I don’t think I was more touched than what Pres. Nelson said right before announcing the new temples to be built. He reminded us how sacred the temple is and that it is more respectful to hold back our cheers and instead pray of our gratitude.
Why we have General Conference, why we belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, why we live our religion—all the whys came to a head for me right at that moment. We worship the Son of God, even Jesus Christ. He gives us everything. He watches over us and fills us no matter what our need. And He even takes us back no matter how long we’ve refused Him.
Temples are holy places of worship. We treat the temple with sacredness from inception to fruition. We enter through its holy gates after being found worthy and serve within its walls in a holy manner. The temple is different from the world and should be treated differently.
We are temples. We should treat ourselves and all others differently than the world treats people. After all, we are gods and goddesses in embryo. With all this talk about abortion, why would anyone want to destroy that potential?
Pres. Nelson’s sweet and gentle reminder reminded me of everything I have ever learned about temples, temple worship, and my own possibility in the kingdom of God.