Reading General Conference talks really helps us stay focused on the important things, don’t you agree? Reading over and over the warning words of our prophets are meant to help us stay on the path, stay true, and to keep our testimonies bright. The words of our prophets will never fail us for they speak of Christ.
In our family, we have discussions like this all the time. It helps us see that the true doctrine of Christ is different than anything else, even things that happen in the church, and even in our wards. We see things that fail us all the time because we are imperfect in an imperfect world. Talking about the doctrine of Christ gives us a view of what is perfect, and we strive for the promises of that perfection.
The talks given in the Saturday morning session of the October 1983 General Conference seemed to really point that out to me.
Gordon B. Hinckley—Except Ye Are One
To open up the conference, Pres. Hinckley says,
“We affirm before all men our belief in God the Eternal Father and in his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. This is the first article of our faith and the foundation of all of our work.”
Ezra Taft Benson—Jesus Christ: Our Savior and Redeemer
After rehearsing for us how Jesus is the Christ, he says, “His gospel is only effective as it is applied in our lives. … Unless we do His teachings, we do not demonstrate faith in Him.”
This was taught repeatedly to us this last conference and many conferences in between because this is an important doctrine that will never fail us.
James E. Faust—The Keystone of Our Religion
Speaking of the Book of Mormon, he says, “Mankind cannot reach perfection on its own. … The Book of Mormon is a schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ.” He added that an obsession to seek secular knowledge will blind us from understanding and accepting the Book of Mormon. What the Book of Mormon does for us is remind us to stay humble enough to repent as imperfect beings. Humility will keep us returning to the Lord for much-needed help.
L. Tom Perry— “Our Father Which Art in Heaven”
Jesus Christ prayed to the Father these words, “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
“They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.”
This is only a part. Read the entire prayer in John 17 where Jesus prays for us and all those who believe in Him. Everything else pales in comparison when we understand Jesus Christ’s mission is to save us and return us back to our Heavenly Father.
Carlos E. Asay—Parent-Child Interviews
Even though he’s talking about having interviews with our children, which is a good suggestion made by our church, he says, “Is it possible that in our drive to perform or fulfill a Church expectancy we collide with purpose?”
Think about it. Sometimes we get caught up in something and miss the entire point. What is the purpose of our membership? What is the purpose to do anything on this earth? The purpose must always be centered toward Jesus Christ. Not the church. Not the bishop. Certainly not the world. Not any imperfect thing. Only on Him who is perfect.
Boyd K. Packer—The Mystery of Life
What is the mystery of life? It’s realizing once and for all why we have come down to earth and how best to move onto our third estate. Elder Packer puts it all into perspective, important because this is what we hear in the news all the time today.
“When one knows the gospel of Jesus Christ, there is cause to rejoice. The words joy and rejoice appear through the scriptures repetitively. Latter-day Saints are happy people. When one knows the doctrine, parenthood becomes a sacred obligation, the begetting of life a sacred privilege. Abortion would be unthinkable. No one would think of suicide. And all the frailties and problems of men would fade away.”
Satan is working overtime to pull us off the path, but this conference and all conferences invite us back onto the path, to cling to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our testimonies of this truest of doctrines must be kept bright.