The first talk to open up the April 1984 General Conference was given by President Ezra Taft Benson, president of the Quorum of the Twelve at the time. His Counsel to the Saints is simple and straightforward. Sadly, it is necessary counsel for our day as well.
“First, We Need to Strengthen Families.”
Pres. Benson proceeds to give us the “tried and proven formula for rearing successful families.” It isn’t anything we haven’t heard before, however, because it is tried and proven it bears repeating. Unfortunately, in our day, we still need to hear it. I urge you to read his talk and incorporate the formula in your own homes.
How can Relief Societies strengthen families? When I ask this of other sisters, they think they’re alone in this. Maybe they don’t think they can count on Relief Society to help them? Because Relief Society is an inspired organization, sisters have a responsibility, and vested interest, in helping one another. So, should Relief Society actively help the women it serves?
Families sometimes recognize too late that what they know isn’t working. The church has provided mountains of information on how best to break out of bad habits and learn new, helpful habits that benefit us and our families. We can find articles in our past magazines or search the church website to find great information.
We don’t have to go it alone. Humility plays an important part in searching out good information and putting it into practice. And Relief Society is just the place to help facilitate that learning. Let Relief Society be a source of strength, knowledge, and power to a struggling family.
Second, “We Have Need for Greater Spirituality.”
How many of us go to church and never open up our scriptures? Often, classes get caught up in opinions rather than feasting on the words of Christ. It’s easy to do, but something we should avoid.
Every family is stronger when each individual has spiritual strength. Adults and youth have a responsibility to gain their own personal testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then, in turn, their testimony can inspire all those around them.
In this section of his talk, Pres. Benson repeatedly said, “We urge you” and “We counsel you.” This was a dire concern 35 years ago and it is even more so today.
As women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we need to recognize the power we have within ourselves, within our organization, and the power that is on the earth today that will help us conquer the evil works of Satan. I wish every sister to seek after this testimony.
Quoting from the Book of Mormon, Pres. Benson proclaims with power these words:
“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall revile against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord” (3 Nephi 22:17).
Do we accept this power graciously and seriously? Do we rely on the Lord as much as we can and should? Do we accept this as necessary counsel for our day?
May sisters find help and support from our sisterhood, as Relief Society stands together against the evil that is at our door. May we each do our part and help one another along the treacherous path toward salvation.
It’s time to get back to basics of humanity.. Haveing true compassion, sincerity in all we do, honesty, sencereity, in all we do. Sharing the prue hope and light of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Time to reach out of our comfort zone and be present in the lives of our famlies and of all those around us. If we are to be the daughter’s that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created, then we better do better everyday. Changing what we can in our own personal life in order to be what we have been called and blessed to be. I know that He,They,love each of us, we are important to Them in Heaven and earth.