President Russell M. Nelson has told us that the restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ is ongoing as changes will increasingly occur. “Eat your vitamins.”
Thirty-five years ago, Elder Neal A. Maxwell spoke about the church coming out of obscurity. He too explained how the restoration is a process.
“Furthermore, God has chosen to work through those whom the world regards as weak and foolish.”
As you know, I always read these old conference addresses through the eyes of the Relief Society. As I thought about the church being obscure, appearing to be weak, yet still working toward complete restoration, I think of the women of Relief Society who often see themselves as weak.
When I created this website, my purpose has always been to talk about the history, purpose, and destiny of Relief Society. I feel the importance of these three now, more than ever before. Over the years, I have run into countless people who mock Relief Society, who don’t understand its existence. Even those who claim membership have no loyalty for it. Let me explain once again my feelings for this divine organization which will eventually come out of obscurity, having done her part in the restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder Maxwell expresses his amazement that history has recorded so much of world history, yet seldom has a spiritual history been recorded. The Church History department has made it easy to find our female spiritual heritage. We have the Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book which gives us a snapshot of the spirit and excitement of these women in the first organized days of our Relief Society. We also have access to hundreds of stories of women who have testified of their faith in Jesus Christ. (Check my website for some.) These women all testify, and I included, that because of its divine beginnings, Relief Society and its members have a spiritual power to overcome the world. Because we know Jesus Christ, we have the power to act in His name to perform miracles even in our day.
Because Relief Society was divinely organized, it also has a divine purpose. Pres. Nelson has encouraged the women of the church to discover the purpose of Relief Society, so they feel that personal testimony burn within. The purpose of our Relief Society is in the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood, which we share with the brethren.
Receiving the priesthood is receiving the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is His priesthood that moves people to build His kingdom. Women have been charged with the responsibility to raise children in righteousness, to minister to one another, and to testify of the miracles in our lives. We do this and help one another do this, in Relief Society. This is the divine and spiritual purpose of Relief Society.
As sons and daughters of God, our destiny is to become like Them, that Eternal Unit, Kings and Queens, Gods and Goddesses of our own kingdoms.
How different will our Sunday meetings be if we talk more about our future as Goddesses? Will we see and treat each other differently? Will we feel differently about ourselves? Will our lessons take on a more spiritual nature? If this is truly our destiny, and I testify that it is, then we must act like it now.
Involving Ourselves in the Restoration
Today, we must put our shoulders to the wheel and immerse ourselves in the restoration of God’s kingdom. Elder Maxwell explains:
“The finished mosaic of the history of the Restoration will be larger and more varied as more pieces of tile emerge, adjusting a sequence here or enlarging there a sector of our understanding.”
New programs always need a trial period as we adjust and practice the new expectation. Elder Maxwell clearly reminds us that God doesn’t expect us to be perfect because that isn’t what this life is about. Our job is to strive toward obedience, to work at living by the spirit, to learn about Jesus Christ and His gospel all to the best of our ability. This is building the kingdom of God on the earth and gathering Israel. As the Restoration continues to unfold, we will already be practicing watchfulness and our examples will be felt around the world as we wait for the Coming of the Lord. Elder Maxwell concludes:
“At the perfect day, we will see that we have been a part of things too wonderful for us. Part of the marvel and the wonder of God’s ‘marvelous work and a wonder’ will be how perfect Divinity mercifully used us—imperfect humanity.”
Sisters: Find your testimony of Relief Society. Read about Relief Society and Church History. Immerse yourselves in the purpose that the priesthood offers you. And recognize that you are good enough to be a Goddess.
I’ve always loved RS, from being taken Visiting Teaching with my grandmother as a child. But my gratitude deepened when I read Women of Covenant. As I read it I felt that every sister in the church should read and understand the great organization we belong to and the great work we can do. Thanks for your continued work spreading the word about RS.
Thank you for your testimony and coming by to read.