Family History work is moving forward in leaps and bounds. Have you climbed aboard the train?
Family Search is very user-friendly and offers a lot of helpful videos, articles, and research tips on their Help page and Research Wiki. The Family Tree app is easy to use and is actually feeding you ancestors to take to the temple.
When I first started, I was finding several names. Soon, I realized I was finding too many names to manage. I had several options. I could send them off to the temple. Get my family to go to the temple regularly and I could share my cards with them through Family Search. I could simply leave “green temples” for others to find.
There are still some people who think all their work is done. For one thing, that isn’t possible. Too many records have been lost over the years through war, natural disaster, etc. Another very important factor is that we now have permission to do any and all names that remotely are a part of our ever-widening family. Same surnames in surrounding locations can be collected when you believe they are connected but can’t quite prove it yet. In-laws open many avenues for additional lines to follow. Clearly, the church is doing its part in helping us find ancestors that seemed impossible to find just a few years ago. When Pres. Nelson tells us to get involved, he is making sure the church is doing everything possible to help us. Revelation and inspiration are certainly providing better access, better methods, and better technology for us.
Recently, I’ve run across some people that married into my direct line who lost several children in their large families. I became obsessed with doing the work for those who had grown old enough, needing their ordinances completed. Finally, last Saturday we sealed the entire family together. My husband and I proxied for the parents, and several other people gathered around the altar to proxy for the children. We were all sealed together at once. It was a glorious moment.
I have another large family where so many babies died. I’m anxious to get them all sealed to one another as well. I get emotional when I think of how that mother must have suffered through the loss of so many children. My hope is that they accept the work we’ve done for them.
Family History work has a long history in our church. We believe this is the work of our dispensation. It’s also the work of the Millennium. It’s going to take a long time to give all of Heavenly Father’s children an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and receive their necessary temple ordinances. Isn’t it amazing that we can all take part in one another’s salvation?
Years ago, I wrote about the beginnings of Family History (Genealogy) work in the church. We owe a great deal to Susa Young Gates and her desires to put together organized classes and enthusiasm for this most important work. You can read the post here.
Today, it’s hardly working at all to find relatives who want and need their temple work done. See what you can do to fill out your pedigree charts and help gather Israel.