The other day, I happened to be looking online for a painting by Minerva Teichert. I really love her style and would like to have something of hers hanging on my wall. But, instead, I ran into something I had never seen before. It was a certificate of the Relief Society declaring its purpose.
Remember when Pres. Nelson asked all of us to study the purpose of Relief Society? After guiding many tours at the Church Museum in Salt Lake City, I am fully aware that many sisters don’t know very much about the history of our Relief Society, let alone the purpose for which it was given to us. That’s why I keep plugging away writing about what I have come to know and love about our Relief Society.
Anyway, I was pretty excited to run across this and intend on having it hang on my wall, along with my copy of Joseph Smith’s original invitation for the women to come and be organized. (And eventually my Teichert!) Because I like to correlate what I’m reading in the General Conference talks with Relief Society purpose and the women of our church, watch carefully as it all fits nicely together.
During this conference, of the April 1985 priesthood session, Pres. Kimball was too feeble to attend, but they included a video using many of his quotes on setting personal goals. And then Pres. Hinckley, who was speaking for the First Presidency, talks about what it takes to please our Heavenly Father.
As we traverse this minefield we call earth life, it’s a true blessing to belong to a church that simply helps us be better people. Those of us who sincerely desire to do good are interested in setting goals and pleasing our Heavenly Father. This is what Relief Society is all about. To help women be better women, mothers, and daughters of God.
This certificate offers a challenge to us. It says,
“May each of us in our own way add to their work more good … more kindness and more charity.”
It’s as simple as that.
Joseph Smith once said, “Mormon means more good” (TPJS, p. 299). And Pres. Hinckley, in 1990, gave a talk on how being more good is a blessing in our lives whether we call ourselves Mormon or after the name of Jesus Christ. Today, as we progress, isn’t it more good that Pres. Nelson asks us to emphasizes Jesus Christ even more?
This evolution of striving to be more good based on goals set as individuals or a world-wide church invite us to please our Heavenly Father more and more.
As the women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, our purpose is setting our sights and goals on being more good, showing more kindness, and acting with more charity. What can happen when we focus more and more on these attributes?
In the world we live in, these Godly characteristics will stand as an ensign to the nations of the world that will eventually draw more and more people who are seeking after these refreshing attitudes.