President Nelson’s devotional address is truth according to what Jesus Christ has asked him to declare. Be sure to listen to, or read the entire talk here. Below is an excerpt, something that is challenging but important for us to understand.
“Sometimes we as leaders of the Church are criticized for holding firm to the laws of God, defending the Savior’s doctrine, and resisting the social pressures of our day. But our commission as ordained Apostles is ‘to go into all the world to preach [His] gospel unto every creature.’ That means we are commanded to teach truth. In doing so, sometimes we are accused of being uncaring as we teach the Father’s requirements for exaltation in the celestial kingdom. But wouldn’t it be far more uncaring for us not to tell the truth—not to teach what God has revealed? It is precisely because we do care deeply about all of God’s children that we proclaim His truth. We may not always tell people what they want to hear. Prophets are rarely popular. But we will always teach the truth!”
People may struggle with this idea that the prophet speaks for the Lord. They hold on to the idea that prophets aren’t perfect and over time some of their “truths” have changed.
The important thing to understand is that Jesus Christ is the head of this church. His timing is different from our understanding. And it’s impossible for us to see the big picture from our vantage point. Our job is to be obedient, even when we don’t understand completely. That’s called faith and when it is placed in Christ, He will never fail us because He is perfect.
When we put our faith in Christ, He will eventually make everything right. We have to believe that.
Look at what Paul did. He spoke the truth he was given by the Lord and the world turned on him. He stood in front of the Caesars of his day and declared the law of God and was brutely punished for it (see 2 Cor. 11).
Today, we question some of those things Paul preached. Did Paul make a mistake to believe so devoutly? Are the scriptures wrong? Does Jesus Christ change over time? No. Our understanding has to adjust as we wait for more complete knowledge. Meanwhile, we rely on faith.
Those who stand fearless as Paul, Moses, Joseph, President Nelson, and others have to go through great sacrifice to declare the truth of God’s laws. Are we willing to do the same with similar sacrifices? Because that’s what it takes. We agreed to come down to earth to be tried and tested and ultimately choose the will of God over our own will. To literally trust God and His prophets with our faith.
President Nelson is simply doing what he has been called to do by the Lord, to preach the laws of God that never change. This is truth regardless of what is popular, and what is understood in our narrow vision. But he invites all of us to accept these laws and participate in them. His blessing upon all of us is evidence of this.
“Now, in my capacity as President of the Church, I invoke a blessing upon you, to be able to discern between right and wrong, between the laws of God and the conflicting voices of the world. I bless you with power to detect the adversary’s deceptions. I bless you with greater capacity to receive revelation. And I bless you to be able to feel the infinite reach of God’s perfect love for you.”
We are invited to seek truth through personal revelation. If that is still a struggle for us, we must rely on faith in Jesus Christ, because He will never fail us. He will reward all of us who stay the course and choose to obey Him and His prophet. Today, that man is President Nelson.