In the October 1985 General Conference, Elder Robert D. Hales gave a talk on Lessons from the Atonement that Help Us to Endure to the End. I discovered ten ways to pray for the Atonement to help us.
Pray to Know How to Act
Elder Hales says, “Many times when we pray, we merely restate our problems.” Do we occasionally feel stuck and simply don’t know what else to do but whine? Elder Hales invites us to open our minds up and receive spiritual promptings that will help us know what action to take. Do we realize this is a blessing that comes to us because of the Atonement?
Pray to Believe
Using the brother of Jared as an example, Elder Hales reviews what happened when the brother of Jared said he believed all that the Lord was telling Him. And he saw the Lord standing before him. There are those who simply refuse to believe. By putting our trust in the Lord, even when we don’t understand, we open ourselves to believe in greater things.
Pray for Wisdom
Sometimes our bullheadedness gets in the way. Elder Hales suggests that we wake up, open our eyes, and listen. It may surprise us what we learn about God when we do. Instead of thinking we can handle everything on our own, it is the wisest among us who realize it is wisdom to place our burdens upon the Lord.
Pray to Know How to Serve
All of us will have trials in this lifetime. The Atonement rescues us as it does our brothers and sisters. We are all in the same boat and must learn to look to help one another. And oftentimes, thinking of others helps take some of our own pain away.
Pray to See
I love this one! Because Jesus Christ atoned for everyone, everyone can be saved. Our interest in the Spirit World, and saving our dead, encourages us to pray to see beyond the veil, to have hope in the world to come, and to finally see eternity.
Pray for Opportunities to Testify
All of us will one day stand before Jesus Christ and confess His great atoning sacrifice. If we believe Him now, may we voice our testimonies freely.
Pray to Endure to the End
The Way is not an easy road. Self-sufficiency, self-control, and self-determination to put our lives in the hands of our Savior will help us endure to the end.
Pray to Always Remember Our Sacramental Promises
Every week we are blessed to remember our Savior, renew our covenants, and review the path we are on.
Pray to be Humble
Elder Hales encourages us to be willing to make course corrections.
Pray to Be Worthy to Have God Say, “Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant.”
In Elder Hales’ words, “May each of us endure to the end and be greeted by our maker, ‘Well done thou good and faithful servant,’ is my prayer.” It’s comforting to know we can pray for the atonement to help us.