General Conference is around the corner. Are you ready to listen to the prophet? Do you remember what he said last time? Since starting my General Conference Odyssey posts, (here they are), I have learned a profound lesson. Each time the prophet and apostles speak to us, they leave us four spiritual gifts in every conference talk.
Doctrinal Teachings
We have the scriptures already revealed for us to read and re-read the doctrine of our gospel, but because we believe in modern revelation, we also know the prophet and apostles can give us additional doctrinal teachings that flow seamlessly with the doctrine found in the scriptures.
When we teach from the General Conference talks, every other week, do we identify the doctrinal topic? Besides searching the scriptures, doesn’t it make sense that we would search out what other talks have been given on the same doctrinal topic? They have given us strategic spiritual gifts waiting to be gathered and discovered.
The church website has categorized, by topic, all of the conference talks over the years. So, for example, along with President Dallin H. Oak’s recent talk on repentance, you can find Richard G. Scott’s talk, where he explains how he tried to fix a tape measure and it exploded in his face. Yet, he was able to put it back together making it fully useable again.
I remember a lesson about Patriarchal Blessings, where the teacher explained that our blessings also contain warnings for us. Because God knows our weaknesses, He can give us warnings so we can watch and not fall into Satan’s grasp.
What spiritual gifts of warning did you hear this past General Conference? President Oaks gave another talk about people watching to see how long it would take for a dog, lying in wait, to catch a squirrel. They were all sad when the dog killed the squirrel. This story reminds me of the classic talk given by Boyd K. Packer called Spiritual Crocodiles.
Have you ever taken on a challenge by a prophet or an apostle? Elder David A. Bednar challenged all of us to follow the Come Follow Me program in our homes and make our gospel study home-centered. Did you take on that challenge? Since this was first announced in October 2018, and re-challenged in April 2019, how have you lead your family, group, or self along this path?
President Monson’s final, short address to us was to read the Book of Mormon.
“This morning I speak about the power of the Book of Mormon and the critical need we have as members of this Church to study, ponder, and apply its teachings in our lives. … If you are not reading the Book of Mormon each day, please do so.”
Did his words instantly remind you of Pres. Hinckley’s Book of Mormon challenge back in 2005? This challenge wasn’t given in General Conference, but it spread like wildfire throughout church membership. Everywhere I went, that fall, I ran into people talking about how far they were in their reading. It was awesome to be part of that worldwide challenge, a true spiritual gift.
Every time we are asked to do anything in the Church of Jesus Christ, we are promised blessings. Have you recognized the blessings you have received because of your obedience?
I read an article that lists all the promises and blessings from this past conference. It helped me take notice of the blessings that will come as I embark on the challenges given.
We are truly blessed to be members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As many people struggle to remember who they are (as they soak in the lies of the adversary), acknowledging our blessings from the Lord can be a great strength to us. In one of Sister Julie B. Beck’s talks, she gives a clear explanation of the blessings of the priesthood available to women. As a woman, this reminds me of the great love Jesus Christ has for His daughters. The blessings are there. I simply have to be willing to receive these spiritual gifts that are showering over me.
Listen Carefully
This fall, once again, we have the opportunity to listen to our church leaders. Listen to their stories, experiences, testimonies, challenges, and promises, and receive the spiritual gifts and blessings that will come.
A friend recently posted about the value of stories shared in General Conference. These stories can run deep and offer layers of wisdom and doctrine as the parables did in days of old. It is up to us to discover these gifts and rejoice in the profound love Jesus Christ has for each one of us.
Thanks for the great reminder of the gifts. I’m so looking forward to the spiritual feast of General Conference!