Our General Conferences are getting more and more amazing, don’t you think? We’ve already been given a preview of what to look forward to next year and it looks like the amazing-ness will continue.
There’s no need for me to go through all the changes we’re experiencing because as it is, they’re all being talked about all over the Internet. What I want to say is that I believe there is a prophet on the earth today. We have prophets, seers, and revelators and they are speaking words of warning, words of joy, and words of hope as we all anticipate the coming of the Savior of the World.
Last conference, someone put together a list of all the blessings and promises given. This conference, I’m going to do that for myself. In fact, I’d like to bring the two conferences together to compare, contrast, and combine the messages. In one years-time, what have the prophets really been telling us? What is coming to pass? And most importantly, what are they telling us we must do to prepare?
Here are some of my random notes from conference. Some are direct quotes, and some are what I needed to hear:
Elder Holland—This General Conference meeting is meant to strengthen us, to help us find Jesus Christ.
Elder Vinson—It’s not our successes, it’s our sacrifices that will please God.
Elder Christofferson—Joy is a gift to those who intentionally live the gospel.
Pres. Oaks—Trust in the Lord. We don’t know about the Spirit World, so we must trust the Lord that all will work out and even be better.
Elder Bednar—Cheetahs, like Satan, are relentless.
Elder Pace—We haven’t made church one hour shorter, we’ve made church 6 days longer.
Elder Budge—Have resilient trust in the Lord.
Elder Alvarado—We need to be obedient and adjust our thinking.
Sister Aburto—Everyone experiences pain of mental illness, but unchecked pain blocks Heavenly Father’s love for us.
Pres. Oaks—We don’t have to agree with one another to love one another.
Pres. Nelson—Referring to D&C 25, If we keep these covenants, we have direct priesthood power. We have power to save our families. Put aside the world. Examine our lives.
Elder Gong—Covenant belonging. We become children of the covenant because the Book of Mormon is the book of the covenant.
Elder Gonzales—Do we have faith enough that Christ can heal us, purify us, take our burdens, save us?
Elder Stevenson—Satan tricks us. Jesus Christ truthfully tells us who He is. We can tell the difference.
Pres. Nelson—Traveling all over the world, he has been healing hearts and lifting others.
Pres. Eyring—Pray for more holiness, not perfection.
Elder Boom—Create an environment of love so people are inspired to love.
Pres. Ballard—Constant repentance. It’s our responsibility to prepare ourselves to live with our loved ones forever.
Elder Johnson—Pray every day, every day. Read the Book of Mormon every day, every day. Partake of the Sacrament every week, every week. There is something about repetition!
Elder Soares—Take upon us our cross. Make the necessary sacrifices. Seek forgiveness.
Elder Anderson—Don’t listen to naysayers. God is the source of our joy, not the world.
Pres. Nelson—Individual worthiness is worth any sacrifice.
I testify that these are prophets of God. The words of our prophets, seers, and revelators are worth further study. May our hearts be open to this almost overwhelming amount of counsel and may we prepare ourselves for additional changes as the Restoration continues all around us.