Our temple attendance is how we prepare to recognize, understand, and stand in front of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Recently, I’ve sat in some talks that help us get the most out of our temple experiences. This list is worth pondering and thinking about, and I invite you to do so.
Pay Attention
There are many reasons why our minds might wander in the temple, as anywhere else, but control that urge. When you pay special attention to the words of each of the ordinances we participate in, we will be rewarded with some pretty great and glorious teachings.
Every temple has symbolism inside and out. Look for a specific motif in the one you visit the most often and look for it throughout the décor. There are books and websites that explain some of the symbolism. Once you connect it to what you see in the temple, it will add a deeper meaning to your worship.
Pray and Fast Before
In the scriptures, we are taught that when we pray and fast, we can receive the spirit of prophecy, the spirit of revelation, and power (see Alma 17:3). If our hearts are pure and specifically open to receiving and hearing the will of God, just think what answers we may be given in our great need?
No Walls
What might we see if we had spiritual eyes? We understand that the Spirit World is here, we simply can’t see it. But there are some who have been able to see beyond the veil for a moment. Imagine that in the temple there are no walls. That we can glimpse into the Spirit World and feel the presence of angels, loved ones, and even Jesus Christ.
As we work in the temple, performing necessary ordinances for our ancestors, we recognize it as great service. But how hard is it to carve out time from our busy schedules to get to the temple? Temple service should be temple sacrifice. Our service is a greater gift when we sacrifice. This also includes working as a temple worker. In the past, only those without children still at home could serve, but recently, this policy was changed. Now, anyone with a current recommend and a desire to serve, no matter what their circumstances, can serve in the temple: those with any leadership calling and mothers with young children, in particular. Find out how you might sacrifice some of your time to serve in the House of the Lord.
Scriptures to Enlighten
We will understand the temple better when we read our scriptures. Not only will we recognize and correlate the two, but the spirit will also open our eyes to deeper truths as we are ready to see them. The gospel is all in one. As you ponder and seek to understand, you will likely begin hearing familiar words in the scriptures, in General Conference, in surprising places that will always relate back to the temple and the truths that are found there.
With so many temples being made available to us, may we strive to make time to attend. And if we are not able to, may we take the time to study the scriptures, symbolism, and seek the spirit so we will be ready when we can attend.