What privileges are we living up to, if we even want them? And why should we seek them?
Recently, while going through the Relief Society Magazine, I ran across a talk, given by President Belle S. Spafford, former Relief Society General President. This talk was given during the General Relief Society Conference in 1951. She referred specifically to the things Joseph Smith taught the sisters in the sixth meeting of the society back in 1842. You may think there’s no connection between then and now but read on.
First of all, let me explain that as the Relief Society was first being organized, Joseph Smith sat in and spoke in these meetings six different times before he was killed. Each time he spoke to the sisters, he taught them about the temple and things of eternity. You can read through the minutes of those meetings yourself here. The minutes were taken by Eliza R. Snow, who must have scribbled as fast as she could, but even she admits that she couldn’t get everything that was said. She did say, however, that the spirit was so strong it was never to be forgotten.
The sixth meeting was significant because this was the last time he spoke to the sisters. And in this meeting, he spoke of some very sacred and precious things that are eternal and therefore affect us today. Sis. Spafford referred to these things in her talk recalling our blessings and privileges according to the promises Joseph gave to the women.
During this meeting, Joseph Smith “turned the key” to the Relief Society. This key was specifically keys to the kingdom, which they would receive, along with their husbands, in the temple once it was finished and dedicated. He was talking about receiving the sealing power of eternal life.
This was precious news and a monumental gift to look forward to. Think about it. Our church is the only church on the face of the earth that believes in temple covenants and priesthood sealings. This privilege is not given without specific requirements.
Now, what is the special charge given to all women? It is the gift of charity. Eternal life is not going to be as sweet as it could be when family and friends aren’t there with us. We have been commanded to “save souls.” And according to Sis. Spafford, we do this by 1) “listening to the counsel of the Almighty, through the heads of the Church,” and 2) always concentrating your faith and prayers for, and placing confidence in, your husbands.”
When our minds are filled with the desire to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ through the words of His prophets, make our marriages and homes as pleasing to God as possible, and invite, by word and example, everyone we run across, we will be living up to our privileges.
“If you live up to these principles, how great and glorious will be your reward in the celestial kingdom! If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates.”
As a Priesthood-directed society, we are more than a group of women. By divine authority, we can speak of eternal truths together and receive strength from the spirit, as well as one another. This can happen in no other place but Relief Society!
Where motherhood is being desecrated by worldly attitudes, Relief Society might be the only place left that praises motherhood, supports it, and teaches women how to be better and more holy mothers. Sis. Spafford quoted President David O. McKay who said,
“One of the greatest needs in the world today is intelligent, conscientious motherhood.”
Have you heard about the new muppet character on Sesame Street? Her name is Karli. Her mother has an addiction problem. According to an article from the Sesame Workshop, 5.7 million children (1 in 8) under the age of 11 live with a parent dealing with a substance abuse problem. This is such a prevalent problem the producers of Sesame Street feel that bringing it out in the open will help others become more sensitive to these children.
Indeed, that is very needed. Our awareness needs to become more attuned to the needs of families who are struggling. As the Lord’s Relief Society, shouldn’t our gift of charity put us on that errand of love and care toward the child and the mother who can’t perform her mothering? Is this seen as intrusive? Can we get past the fear of judgment and feel as Jesus Christ feels for each one of us? Sis. Aburto said,
“As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have made a covenant with God that we ‘are willing to bear one another’s burdens’ and ‘to mourn with those that mourn.’ This may include becoming informed about emotional illnesses, finding resources that can help address these struggles, and ultimately bringing ourselves and others to Christ, who is the Master Healer. Even if we do not know how to relate to what others are going through, validating that their pain is real can be an important first step in finding understanding and healing.”
This is our covenant to our God and our greatest gift to one another! Pres. Nelson said,
“Every woman and every man who makes covenants with God and keeps those covenants, and who participates worthily in priesthood ordinances, has direct access to the power of God. Those who are endowed in the house of the Lord receive a gift of God’s priesthood power by virtue of their covenant, along with a gift of knowledge to know how to draw upon that power.”
As sisters of the Relief Society, we have that power. We must recognize it and use it for good. And what better place to discuss ways to use it for good than in our Relief Society meetings.
Sis. Spafford was trying to teach us that our privileges are not of this world. She called us “architects of spirituality” and went on to say, “When this quality is no longer found in womenkind, sorry indeed will be the state of the world.” Do you remember Pres. Nelson saying this very thing?
“Let me be very clear about this: if the world loses the moral rectitude of its women, the world will never recover.”
Sisters, our power is in our spirituality and the Relief Society organization unites us in such a way that we can always be reminded, be uplifted, speak of hope, and find strength to keep our priesthood power ready to share with those we love and want to bring into the fold.
We will never be alone on our errand. The spirit will be our guide and angels will be our associates. And we will have one another because we are part of the greatest organization for women in the world. May we recognize these privileges and seek after our reward in the Celestial Kingdom.