The theme during the October 1985 Women’s session was to draw near unto the Lord. There are five talks featuring how-tos, promises, and testimonies.
J. Thomas Fyans—“Draw Near unto Me.”
Simply put, we seek Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through the scriptures. We ask through prayer. And we knock through obedience. He closed his talk with these words:
“May we attach our efforts to his power.”
Dwan J. Young—“Draw Near to Him in Prayer.”
She offers four steps to prayer.
- Prepare—Do we take the necessary time to think about what we want to say to our Heavenly Father? Sure, sometimes we’re in a hurry, but most of the time prayers should be thoughtful and sincere.
- Be Grateful—It’s easy to ask for things, especially the same things over and over again. Sometimes, we’ll simply go down our list of the same old things. How about offering a thoughtful prayer of only things we’re grateful for?
- Seek—Of course, we need to ask for help. Heavenly Father wants us to. But our asking should be attached to what we’re willing to do. Seeking involves our desire to obey whatever answer we receive from our Father.
- Close in the Name of Jesus Christ—This is actually the most important part of our prayer. How often do we run these words together automatically and without thinking? This is how we acknowledge Jesus Christ’s rightful place as our Savior, Redeemer, and King.
Ardeth G. Kapp—”The Holy Scriptures: Letters from Home.”
I testify along with her that “searching the holy scriptures can answer every question you may ever have in life.” I have absolutely found this to be true.
Barbara W. Winder—”Draw Near unto Me through Obedience.”
Our role, as women in the church, is to build His kingdom on the earth. We do this by setting an example for the world through our obedience and willingness to “stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9). Sis. Winder says,
“We have been commanded to sanctify ourselves that our minds may become single to God so that we can stand firm in the faith, without wavering.”
Gordon B. Hinckley—”Ten Gifts from the Lord.”
Pres. Hinckley addressed those who struggle with their faith and often find reasons to complain. We can let self-pity overwhelm us, losing sight of our blessings. He lists ten gifts of the spirit given to every woman:
- Do Good—As the Relief Society, we are blessed to see passed ourselves and serve and lift others.
- Prayer— “And the prayer of faith shall save the sick” (James 5:15). We all have a voice that is heard by our Heavenly Father.
- Teach—We have a responsibility to teach our children and one another the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Preside—As a lay church, we all take turns presiding in our callings. Great responsibility comes as we watch over the flock.
- Spirit of Prophecy—The scriptures teach that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Rev. 19:10). We have the gift, opportunity, and responsibility to testify of Jesus Christ.
- Opportunity to Proclaim the Gospel—Sisters can often reach those searching for truth better than brothers. It is our gift and privilege.
- Great Opportunities of the Blessings of the Temple—We receive all the blessings of the temple for ourselves and for each woman we stand in proxy for. These are eternal blessings of happiness and security.
- Ministering in the Temples—Women also have responsibilities as ordinance workers, coordinators, and temple matrons.
- Motherhood—Pres. Hinckley says, “Without mothers, the race would soon die, and the purposes of God would be totally frustrated.”
- Personal Edification and Education—We can study in any field, but more importantly, we are entitled to the Spirit of Christ, which enlightens all our lives.
In closing, Pres. Hinckley challenges,
“Count your wonderful blessings. Do not worry away your lives with concerns over “rights,” so-called, but move forward, concerned with responsibilities and opportunities. Your potential is limitless. … Accept the challenge. … That you may be happy, and that your lives may be rich with that satisfaction which comes from the development of your spiritual gifts.”