Hope for Those Who Wander Aimlessly

It’s disturbing to see so many people wander aimlessly in this world. Suicide, depression, hopelessness, and despair are becoming more and more common in the news and in our own families. But there is hope. If we but know where to look.

Satan is working overtime to convince people they are nothing. But we are God’s children and He is our Heavenly Father. I believe that when we return to heaven, we will remember our great love for Them and be overcome with gratitude for the mercy They have both shown all of us.

Neal A. Maxwell spoke in the April 1986 Priesthood session about the knowledge the Restoration gives us.

Because of the Restoration, we know what Heavenly Father really taught Moses on the mount. He called him His son, “the workmanship of mine hands.” And when the glory of God left, Satan came and Moses was able to see a stark difference and therefore, not be fooled by his lies. (Moses 1.)

Elder Maxwell lists other instances where we are given great knowledge of how much God loves us and looks to us to carry out His work. We are Heavenly Father’s children. He needs us. And He wants us to return home to Him. Too much of the world doesn’t believe this today. I noticed several talks carried this theme in our most recent conference.

Sadly, we need a constant reminder of our worth. How would it be if we actually believed what the scriptures teach? And went to the scriptures often to seek truth?

Brigham Young once said he would crawl the earth “on his hands and knees to meet someone like Moses who could tell him anything about God and heaven.” And in Elder Maxwell’s eloquent-speak, he says, “Only by searching the scriptures, not using them occasionally as quote books, can we begin to understand … the gospel.”

Do we give up and let Satan tell us who he thinks we are? Do we listen to him tell us we’re garbage? unlovable? and stupid? Do we believe him? No! He’s a liar! He wants to destroy us!

Heavenly Father, on the other hand, has opened the heavens to us. The Restoration continues all around us and we are part of this glorious plan of SALVATION. Yes, SALVATION, where we WILL be SAVED. Because we are loved!

Taking precious time to read and understand the scriptures, which holds the glorious doctrines that will teach us how to return HOME, we can expect that “these doctrines are keenly relevant for tomorrow’s trial, Tuesday’s temptation, or next month’s surge of self-pity.” With God, we can get through the trials of mortality. Trials may be difficult for us, but if they get us to turn to God and beg for help, they are worth it. He will answer. He will rescue. Because He loves us.

Jesus Christ is our hope. Only Satan wanders aimlessly. We don’t have to. The Restoration has given us precious answers to understand the doctrines of salvation, to claim our blessings, and to rise with hope and healing through Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Lucky us!!!!