It may be a little early to start thinking about this, but what will be your main focus next year? In the April 1986 General Conference, newly sustained President Ezra Taft Benson closed with a stirring talk that (as usual!) lines up so easily with what we need to hear today. He starts with these words:
“What a privilege it is to serve in the kingdom of God. In this work it is the Spirit that counts—wherever we serve. I know I must rely on the Spirit. Let us obtain that Spirit and be faithful members of the Church, devoted children and parents, effective home teachers, edifying instructors, inspired ward and stake leaders. God bless you all for your noble labors in building the kingdom.”
Hasn’t President Nelson told us the same thing?
“But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost” (Revelation for the Church, Revelation for our Lives).
As President Benson testifies of the necessity to focus on the three-fold mission of the church, he explains how his father served a mission, he served a mission, his wife served a mission, and all his siblings served missions. “There is no greater joy than bringing souls to Christ.”
To keep our testimonies firm in the gospel of Jesus Christ, he says, “There is a book we need to study daily, both as individuals and as families, namely the Book of Mormon.”
Next year, we have a unique opportunity to not only study the Book of Mormon, as our Come Follow Me manual, but we have been invited to study the First Vision and the opening days of the Restoration. Our testimonies of the divinity of the Book of Mormon is promised to bless our lives in a distinct and powerful way.
President Benson recalls how his mother taught him about the temple while ironing her temple clothes. Are we finding opportunities in our homes to talk about the gospel, the temple, and our testimonies?
I still remember President Benson’s voice as he pleaded with us to read the Book of Mormon. Today, we have a prophet who tells us “time is running out” (Come Follow Me).
Sometimes, I feel like I hear too much about loving everyone and being careful to not say anything that might be offensive. We’re all trying our best, aren’t we? Instead of focusing on perfecting our imperfections (which we can never do), shouldn’t the focus be more on Jesus Christ? Sometimes, during testimony meetings, I hear more about love and acceptance than I do testimonies of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice.
Pure direction and pure testimony from a prophet inspire me more than anything else. They inspire me to stay focused, without getting sidetracked.
These final words from President Benson are what I hope to focus on next year.
“I testify that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Jesus is the Christ. Joseph Smith is His prophet. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”
This simple, but powerful, testimony is my testimony. It’s what I can focus on to build up myself and those around me and be ready for the challenges of my day.
Jan, I really love your words and testimony. You are a kindred spirit! I’m almost finished reading The Book of Mormon for this year and look forward to beginning again. I plan to use the new goal setting program for youth to guide my efforts this next year; it is simply the best I’ve ever seen. I’m so grateful to be alive in these last days, although wickedness is rampant the revelations we are receiving are by far the best since the opening days of this dispensation. As Oliver Cowdery said, “These are days never to be forgotten”