I have a question to share that I’ve been thinking about. If enough people are reading and talking about the Book of Mormon, will its influence be felt in the world?
As I read through Henry B. Eyring’s talk, “The Spark of Faith,” in October 1986 (there were so many good talks during this particular conference!), this thought came to me. I’m not saying that others will clamor to want to read the Book of Mormon and join us readers, although that wouldn’t be a bad thing. I’m just wondering how the act of reading this book directly influences what happens on this earth as people read and testify of it. How that influence can actually be felt by others.
Pres. Eyring talks about a spark that may never completely go out in the hearts of men and women, whether former members of the church or not. For some, if they once felt the spirit of the Lord, can they possibly learn to feel it again because there is still a spark within them? And can that spark be reflamed?
We know that this spark is really the Light of Christ. I’m a firm believer that God will never leave us alone completely. His love is strong enough to exist even when we choose to ignore it.
Even when people claim to not believe in God, they still believe in some kind of otherworldly being. I always find it interesting that those who claim to not believe in God still manage to think it’s okay to use His name when they’re looking for a convenient expletive. Even using His name in vain is a confession that He exists. That little spark must be in there somewhere.
There are many around us who have chosen to leave the church, even those who are angry with the church, or demanding that it change to suit their own purposes. Are their lives any better because they’ve left or made their stand? And does a spark of truth still smolder and gnaw at them quietly and patiently?
As I’ve been reading about Nephi’s incredible faith, it makes me wonder where did his faith come from? Why was he so willing to believe? And how was he able to confront his brothers with such boldness and confidence?
Can God work His mighty miracles today as He did for Nephi’s family, or for Moses (whose example Nephi draws upon)? Do we speak of Jesus Christ with confidence, allowing the influence of the Book of Mormon to permeate our lives and stretch forth? Will reading the Book of Mormon lead to higher action, better living, more faithful voices resonating across the earth?
The Lord is on His way. What an incredible opportunity we have to read His words, in His most perfect book, to live His beautiful law and spread power and righteousness to those who just might let their spark catch the flame.