Every time I begin reading the Book of Mormon, I continue to marvel at Nephi’s and Zoram’s interchange in making oaths of trust and promise. Nephi states, “our fears did cease concerning him” (1 Ne. 4:37). Are we capable of making promises that never waver, or break at the first moment of compromise?
When we’re baptized, we make an oath, or covenant, with God that we will be there to mourn and comfort one another, and stand as witnesses, “at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9). Not only that, we covenant to serve Jesus Christ and keep His commandments. This is a lifetime promise.
As baptized members of the church, has God’s fears over us ceased concerning the covenant we’ve willingly made with Him?
Elder Boyd K. Packer spoke in April 1987 about “Covenants,” He brought up some serious points such as:
- “I did not serve just because I was under call. I served because I am under covenant.”
- “Exaltation is achieved by keeping covenants, not by holding high positions.”
- “Ordinances and covenants become our credentials for admission into His presence.”
Many of us were baptized when we were 8-years old. Sometimes, I wonder how much an 8-year old really understands in choosing baptism. But God seems to trust us. And He expects our covenant to grow as we grow older.
It seems to me that, in our culture, covenants aren’t taken very seriously. There’s a lot of fraud, cheating, and lying happening. And worse, some are forgetting the covenant they made at baptism. The one that God placed so much trust and hope in.
What would happen if all of us acted more like Zoram? It’s possible he knew Nephi before. It’s also possible he realized he could be blamed for Laban’s death. But it’s clear that he was willing to put his trust and life in Nephi’s hands. Later, when the Nephites split from the Lamanites, Zoram continues to stay with Nephi. His oath remains intact.
Do our oaths and covenants remain intact when there is turmoil around us?
Love this!