In the April 1987 Priesthood session of conference, Dallin H. Oaks spoke on “Priesthood Blessings.” I’ve often wondered if I have asked for blessings—enough—in my life. This talk caused me to ponder how I might engage the blessing of a Priesthood blessing. I understand that there is a relationship between the power of the priesthood and the action that follows.
Elder Oaks said, “A priesthood blessing is a conferral of power over spiritual things. Though it cannot be touched or weighed, it is of great significance in helping us overcome obstacles on the path to eternal life.” Priesthood blessings are given to us when we seek for spiritual guidance. Are we willing to act on the blessing given?
Jesus Christ expects us to come unto Him. Asking Him to be a part of our lives is a responsibility given to us. When we seek spiritual nourishment, power, or help we must simply ask. All of us can pray and receive enlightenment, but a special spiritual power comes when hands are laid upon our heads. This direct transference of power affects our desire to seek spirituality. The power given us, according to our faith, is real. It links us to understanding the workings of God in a greater way.
Father’s Blessings
We often receive these blessings at the hand of our fathers—when we ask. These blessings often give us confidence, an extra dose of love, and great comfort. But do we also recognize that they grant us power from heaven? Promises are almost always given. Do we write these promises down and engage the directions we’ve been given to obey in order to receive these promises?
“Dying Blessings”
When Joseph Smith Sr. was on his deathbed, he called his family to him and gave them a “dying blessing,” each in turn. We read about this happening in the scriptures, but seldom use it in our own homes. Fathers can leave their wives and children with an added spiritual blessing of protection from the adversary as he leaves his family to fend for themselves. Again, the only way to engage this blessing is to obey and remain faithful. And then, we are never truly left behind.
Patriarchal Blessings
These blessings come from our Father in Heaven, who knows us best. He offers us insights into our future selves, reminding us what we are capable of, and urging us to faithfully obey in order to return to Him. Do we read these precious blessings often enough to remind us how to act, knowing what we must do to engage the blessings granted?
So, how do we engage the blessing of a Priesthood blessing? I believe it is how we show our faith through our obedience to the blessings given. Something is always required of us. Certainly, if we ask in faith, and receive in faith, then we must act in faith. And then our faith can bring us home.