It’s finally out!!
My book, A Relief Society That Brings Women to Christ, is now available at Amazon.
Order my new book here.
There are a lot of books being published answering questions about women and the Priesthood. I admit, originally that was my question too. But, over the years, as I’ve studied what the Lord has already told us, I realize that it’s all tied to the purpose of our Relief Society.
What I’ve learned is that for women to understand their role alongside the Priesthood, we have to look at how we function as a Relief Society. That is the organization we were given by the Lord, and we are meant to unify our efforts with the Priesthood organization to bring about the Lord’s work; His gathering in the final days.
Women need women. We gather together, in Relief Society, to strengthen one another. Our organization is meant to be a blessing of support and mutual love. Additionally, church history verifies that those sisters who personally heard Joseph Smith preach learned the mysteries of the Kingdom of God from him and acted without delay. The records they left behind testify that they understood their divine role and responsibilities as holy women, destined to be Goddesses and mothers in Israel. Their desire was to live according to the plan laid out by our Father in Heaven. As our dispensation draws to a close let us follow their lead and finish strong, nobly, and filled with the energy of our faith in Jesus Christ.
The Lord is depending on us to come through for Him. He doesn’t want us to be like the world and He doesn’t want us to settle for a temporal fix. He wants to make us into priestesses and goddesses. He wants us to come to Him willingly and obediently. He wants our faith to be in Him, who is mighty to save.
Click here to order the book.
I hope you’ll take a look and let me know what you think.