Why do you suppose the church historians put so much energy in preparing and publishing histories of the church and our Relief Society? Recently, they published the discourses of Eliza R. Snow. The reason, I think, is because what Eliza said then is still important enough for us to hear today.
Pres. Snow was admired by all. She commanded great respect, and women were eager to receive her counsel. So, what counsel did she give?
Organizing Relief Societies Throughout Utah Territory
The bishops were leery of organizing the women in their ward boundaries. I find this idea fascinating. Why would the bishops worry about this? Many bishops had to be convinced as Pres. Young proclaimed that bishops were encouraged to organize Relief Societies in their wards. Eliza Snow began traveling around to persuade bishops and to help women see the benefits of organizing under the priesthood. The objective was to encourage men and women to work together.
Purpose of Visiting Committees
Visiting Committees were the original Ministering Sisters. Their purpose was to check on the spiritual and temporal needs of the sisters around them. The visit also included gathering offerings for the poor. Checking up on one another has always been a signature of our church. We care for each other.
Reading from the Original Minutes When Joseph Smith Taught the Women
In many of her discourses, Eliza Snow read from the original Minute book, which acted as a constitution for the Relief Society. It was Joseph Smith’s words to the women, in those early meetings in Nauvoo, that brought the spirit of revelation to the hearts of the women, in the Salt Lake Valley, to inspire them in their holy work.
Our Day
The value in these discourses can re-energize our purpose of Relief Society. They rehearse the words of Joseph Smith as he spoke to women about the temple. They remind us of the strong testimony of Eliza R. Snow, who organized the women and taught them how to work with the brethren. And they are even in the words of Jean B. Bingham, our Relief Society General President, today, who said in our last General Conference:
“As the Restoration continued to unfold, men and women began to realize anew the importance and potential of working as partners, authorized and directed in this sacred labor by Him.”
Gaining an Understanding of the Priesthood
Recently, many talks and articles, directed to the women of the church, have been urging us to study the workings of the Priesthood. Sis. Bingham has spoken along this topic. Pres. Nelson has been very specific in his talks. And the scriptures and temple are full of information that can help us live up to the privileges that are ours as we honor our covenants and set our faith upon the Lord, Jesus Christ.
As women in the church, we have complete access to salvation and exaltation, through the priesthood. As Relief Society sisters, we have the responsibility to share our testimonies with the world; one another; and most of all, our children. Eliza R. Snow’s discourses remind us of these privileges and duties.