President Hinckley closed the conference, in April 1990, with the positive challenge to make resolutions to live better lives and come unto Jesus Christ. This is the positive message we were given 30 years ago, and we were given similar positive messages recently.
Just out of curiosity, I decided to go through all of Pres. Nelson’s talks, since he became prophet in April 2018. Since then he has spoken to us 25 times. Each time has been as Jesus Christ’s mouthpiece, and I testify that I have felt he truly speaks what God needs us to hear right now. These are resolutions we can make today. I’ve broken them down into a few themes.
Increased Faith in Jesus Christ
Focusing on Jesus Christ and listening carefully for the Holy Ghost, on a daily basis, is the most repetitive message by far. The two go hand in hand. Our lives need to be full of faith and revelation. He mentioned specifically “set aside the world” six times. And he advised us to “listen!” seven times (including the exclamation points). He was very specific in showing us just how to listen, focus, choose, and practice. Where action follows faith, we were reminded to act out our faith through love and service.
Priesthood Power
He has spoken to us repeatedly about priesthood power, which comes in its fullness because of the Restoration. Not only do we need to understand this power, we need to learn how to use it. Especially, women need to learn to tap into it just as much as the men. Actually, he eluded to women having special ability to use this power because of our innate gifts. We have a sensitivity to spiritual things, so are inclined to feel and recognize God’s power. It’s clear that women are not used to paying much attention to priesthood power. We tend to leave that to the men, and some women sit in their closets envying the men this power. But Pres. Nelson has taught repeatedly that this power is to be understood and used equally by both men and women. Faith in Jesus Christ will help us use—the priesthood power of the Holy Ghost—as we seek our own revelation.
Temple and Covenants
Next most talked about subject was temple attendance and living our covenants. In order to do this, we have to set aside the world. We cannot serve two masters and we will eventually have to choose. If we choose now, we will have time to study, be worthy, and bless other lives through our temple covenants. Also, by honoring our temple covenants, we will bring security and love into our homes by teaching eternal doctrines to our children. It’s okay to ask questions, and invite questions from our families, as long as we know where to find the answers and are willing to accept the answers given. We need to be reading the Book of Mormon like our lives depend on it. And we need to study these conference talks too. And we need to teach our children, as well as ourselves, to think eternally.
Relief Society
I get the distinct impression that women of this church are struggling too much with the world and need to recenter their lives in Jesus Christ. We were told by other speakers to put our trust in the Lord as we struggle through our pain and sufferings, and that we need to have more unity as a sisterhood. Do you remember when Pres. Nelson asked us to read the purpose of Relief Society and study our Declaration? These two will help us let go of the world and focus more on Jesus Christ. We should be talking about these a lot in our Relief Societies.
How to Accomplish These Tasks
The list is long of what we should be doing to help gather Israel. But Pres. Nelson has been helpful in giving us the “How-tos” of how to succeed. I love that! We know exactly what we should be doing, and we know just how to do it. He has asked us to:
- Read and Study D&C 25.
- Read and Study the Purpose of Relief Society and the Relief Society Declaration.
- Read and Study D&C 84, 107, and other references they lead us to
- Read and Study the First Vision (all versions)
- Study our temple covenants (everything in the temple can be found in the scriptures)
- List all the Lord’s promises to covenant Israel. Here’s a place to start.
One thing is sure. General Conference, while filling us with a to-do list, is very positive and motivating. And if we are struggling with how to get going on our own adventure of preparation, all we have to do is get on our knees and ask for help. Make small resolutions at first. Keep a journal if that helps. Share with your family and your fellow sisters what you’re learning. Act on your faith. Your resolutions will become a part of you quickly and become self-motivating in your life.